Divorce Attorney in Port Royal SC

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If there were one universal truth it would be that every family is different. We all have our own set of challenges to face and changes to go through. Sometimes those changes are happy like when a new baby is born. Other times these changes involve uncertainty and loss like in the event of a divorce.

If you are having to go through the pain of divorce deal with a complicated custody issue or are handling a different family-related legal matter you might need help. At Cobb Hammett LLC we understand that family issues are hard. Many of the family law clients that we work for have big questions about the future leaving them over-stressed and full of worry. They are concerned about their children their marriage or both. They are wrestling with uncertainty and anxiety having been served confusing documents that don't make sense. Sound familiar? A family law attorney in Port Royal, SC can help whether you need a level-headed moderator or a trusted advocate in the courtroom.

At Cobb Hammett LLC we have decades of combined experience serving the needs of families from divorce proceedings to family formation issues. Our team is fiercely committed to our clients and with a dedicated focus stays up-to-date on the nuanced world of family law in Port Royal. If you're looking for personal attention unbiased representation and a responsive family law attorney look no further than our law firm.

Divorce Attorney Port Royal, SC

If you're unsure of whether you need a family law lawyers in Port Royal" ask yourself these questions:

  • Are you getting married?
  • Are you thinking about divorce?
  • Has your spouse served you with legal papers?
  • Are your kids not receiving the support that they are entitled to?

If you answered yes to any of the questions above know that we are here to help you figure out your next steps. With Cobb Hammett Law Firm by your side you can have the confidence to face even the most difficult family law issues. All of our attorneys have years of experience are incredibly responsive and fight for your family's rights. We are happy to take as much time as you need to answer questions and help put your mind at ease for whatever lies ahead.

 Law Firm Port Royal, SC

Our firm specializes in a wide range of family law cases including:

  • Divorce
  • Child Custody
  • Alimony
  • Adoptions
  • Child Support
  • Mediation
  • Property Division
  • More

If you have been left to manage a foreign family law situation it's time to call Cobb Hammett LLC. We will sit down with you for an hour at absolutely no cost - because we understand what you're going through and know that you need answers not another bill to pay.

To help provide you with a basic understanding of family law keep reading for in-depth explanations on our areas of expertise.

 Attorney Port Royal, SC

Divorce lawyer in
Port Royal SC.

At Cobb Hammett LLC we know all-too-well that a one size fits all approach isn't going to work very well for your unique situation. That's why we approach each divorce case from a personalized standpoint - something that we feel like each of our clients deserves.

 Divorce Lawyer Port Royal, SC
Our goal is to help solve your family law issues and focus on your needs when your divorce is finalized. We will help develop a strategy for:
  • Meeting your post-divorce needs and objectives
  • Dividing marital property for maximum benefit
  • Maximizing time spent with your child as part of your divorce's parenting plan
  • Strengthen your role as a decision-maker for your child
  • Navigating your divorce proceedings and minimizing financial and emotional costs

By working together our divorce law firm will help you rebuild your life and secure a better future for your family.

Divorces in South Carolina
- Different Than Other States

Unlike divorce law in other states South Carolina divorce law doesn't allow spouses to receive an instant no-fault divorce. One or both spouses in the marriage must establish a legally acceptable reason for a divorce to happen. Grounds for a divorce in Port Royal, SC include:

  • Desertion
  • Physical Cruelty
  • Habitual Drunkenness
  • Separation for One Year or More
  • Adultery
Divorce Attorney Port Royal, SC

If you or your spouse do not have the necessary grounds for divorce in Port Royal our family law firm can file a Separate Maintenance and Support action. This step lets the court order child custody alimony and marital bills until you can file for your divorce. During this period Cobb Hammett LLC gathers pertinent info on your spouse's character and assets that can strengthen your case should it be necessary.

Common Issues Associated
with Divorces in Port Royal

A divorce in Port Royal means more than the end of a marriage. It involves dividing the parties debts and assets determines child support and custody parameters and can establish alimony. At Cobb Hammett LLC many of our clients are able to reach agreements with their spouse to resolve these issues. Reaching an agreement lets both parties customize the terms of their divorce to conserve resources avoid trial and meet the family's needs.

Sometimes however two spouses cannot or will not come to terms with an agreement. In these situations a trial is possible and litigation is necessary. Our family law attorneys in Port Royal, SC. are highly experienced litigators and are well-equipped to handle any disputes revealed in the conference or courtroom.

Common divorce issues include:

 Law Firm Port Royal, SC

Child Custody and Visitation

One of the most heart-wrenching difficult decisions for parents going through a divorce is resolving child custody and visitation issues. Child custody refers to how much time each parent will spend with their child and whether they can make decisions for them. According to South Carolina law child custody and visitation time are based on what is best for the child.

 Attorney Port Royal, SC

Child Support

Like other U.S states a formula is used in South Carolina to determine how much child support a person must pay. This formula recommends the amount of child support based on factors like how much income the parents make the cost of childcare and the obligation to support children from other relationships.

 Divorce Lawyer Port Royal, SC


In South Carolina there is no formula to determine how much alimony a person must pay. However courts consider several factors when deciding if alimony is needed how much alimony should be paid and how long a spouse must pay it. Those factors include each spouse's ability and need to pay alimony how long the marriage lasted and any marital misconduct that occurred. To make matters more confusing there are different alimony types including lump sum rehabilitative and reimbursement.

Divorce Attorney Port Royal, SC

Distribution of Property

In South Carolina marital property is the property that each spouse amasses from the date of the wedding to the time a spouse files for divorce. That property can often include marital debt. In a South Carolina divorce the courts will order an equitable division of property meaning fair under all circumstances but not necessarily equal.

 Law Firm Port Royal, SC

Understanding Child Custody in Port Royal, SC.

As mentioned above decisions that involve child custody and visitation can be contentious for parents both emotionally and legally. As experienced empathetic divorce lawyers we understand how difficult this process can be. When we work with clients going through child custody battles we always make it a point to be with them through the ups and downs to help them stay centered. Whether you are the husband or wife in your divorce we share a common goal: finding an effective way to support your children and assure their wellbeing.

In South Carolina child custody is a loaded term. In the most general definition child custody determines when each parent is responsible for the physical care of the child and how much authority each parent has to make decisions in their child's life.

No two child custody cases are the same but a negotiated custody arrangement is usually preferred in the judge's eyes as each parent has input in the process. If the parents cannot come to an amicable resolution their fate is left in the hands of a Family Court Judge in South Carolina. The focus of child custody law is always on what is in the best interests of the child. What the judge determines to be the best interests changes depending on the judge.

There are different variations of custody in South Carolina (or custody arrangements) each with varying degrees of authority. When you consult with our family law attorneys at Cobb Hammett LLC we will go over the child custody process in detail and touch on each distinction to eliminate any confusion you have.

  • Help develop cooperative solutions to disputes or mediate when needed
  • Create an equitable parenting plan
  • Discuss the implications of the different forms of joint and sole custody
  • Problems related to child support
  • Modify court orders if you or your child's circumstances change
  • Enforcement of visitation and custody agreements
  • Much more
Many of the family law clients that walk into our office have big questions that are leaving them full of stress and worry. <

Many of the family law clients that walk into our office have big questions that are leaving them full of stress and worry.

 Attorney Port Royal, SC

Understanding Child Support
in Port Royal, SC.

When children are involved in divorce cases child support is often ordered. Several factors can impact whether child support is ordered like the income-earning potential of the child's parents any custody arrangements that are created and what needs the child may have.

At Cobb Hammett LLC we have years of experience with child support issues relating to:

  • Cases where child support is needed for stay-at-home parents
  • Modifications and enforcement of child support mandates
  • Resolving support and custody disputes
  • Mediation arrangements to reach an agreement on child support. Compared to litigation going
  • the mediated route often means less stress and is more cost-effective than trial.

When you trust our family law firm in Port Royal for representation we can help calculate an estimate of how much child support you or your spouse may be ordered to pay. We can also perform a needs-based analysis in cases that involve large amounts of income. At the end of the day our goal is to make this frustrating process as stress-free as possible for you so that you can focus on living life and caring for your child.

Understanding Alimony in
Port Royal, SC.

Alimony (sometimes called spousal support or maintenance) is ordered by the court or negotiated between parties. This kind of spousal support has many factors like the income of both spouses how long they were married and the age of each spouse. Like child custody and child support trusted legal guidance is strongly recommended if you are facing potential alimony payments. Our family law attorneys will help you reach amicable arrangements for fair and appropriate alimony payments.

At Cobb Hammett LLC your family law attorney in Port Royal, SC will help protect your interests and rights regarding:

 Divorce Lawyer Port Royal, SC
  • Alimony and business assets
  • Permanent or long-term alimony
  • Significant alimony in high-asset divorces
  • Modifications to alimony arrangements when you or your spouse's circumstances change
  • Enforcement of spousal support mandates when needed

Understanding Division of
Property in Port Royal, SC.

When there are no children marital property or issues of alimony divorces often proceed smoothly between amicable spouses. However most divorces in South Carolina are much more complex. Typically divorce involves a union between spouses that lasts for years and involves substantial marital property. This property can be personal property real estate family businesses debts out-of-state property debts bank accounts and more.

In these nuanced situations the applicable parties need assistance dividing their property. This help most often comes from seasoned family law attorneys like Cobb Hammett LLC.

When it comes to distribution of property certain types of properties that are controversial even under the property division rules in South Carolina. South Carolina is an equitable distribution state meaning that marital property is divided equitably but not always equally.

If you are going through a divorce it's important that you are aware of the following assets and the common issues their division presents:

Divorce Attorney Port Royal, SC


Generally pensions are the second-largest asset in a marriage. When there are sufficient alternative income sources to compensate the non-pension holder South Carolina divorce courts may leave the pension rights with the spouse who earned it with future distribution available. Otherwise a divorce court may enter a Qualified Domestic Relations Order requiring the pension administrator to pay both the former spouse and worker.

Family Home

Family Home:

The family home or the primary residential property owned by the divorcing couple is usually considered a marriage's biggest asset. Dividing this kind of property can be complex and frustrating especially when there are kids involved.

Many divorcing couples have a hard time reaching an agreement on property division. Because the division of property depends on the complexity of you or your spouse's assets and liabilities it is crucial to consult with an experienced family law attorney to provide guidance.

Latest News in Port Royal, SC

Port Royal, Safe Harbor reach agreement

Safe Harbor Marinas can move forward with redevelopment of Port of Port RoyalBy Scott GraberThe Island NewsOn Wednesday, Feb. 12, the Town of Port Royal announced that it had reached a settlement with SHM Port Royal a/k/a Safe Harbor.After an executive session that lasted 30 minutes, Town Council voted 3-0 to approve a settlement reached earlier this month after two marathon mediations in Columbia.The disagreements between Safe Harbor and Port Royal officia...

Safe Harbor Marinas can move forward with redevelopment of Port of Port Royal

By Scott Graber

The Island News

On Wednesday, Feb. 12, the Town of Port Royal announced that it had reached a settlement with SHM Port Royal a/k/a Safe Harbor.

After an executive session that lasted 30 minutes, Town Council voted 3-0 to approve a settlement reached earlier this month after two marathon mediations in Columbia.

The disagreements between Safe Harbor and Port Royal officially began on Dec. 14, 2023, when Mayor Kevin Phillips wrote a six-page, single-spaced letter to Peter Clark at Safe Harbor.

The letter laid out the Town’s objections to the huge cranes and the fabrication of concrete docks then underway at the site. It also objected to the apparent decision to develop the Bluff Neighborhood as “build to rent.” There were also problems surrounding the location of the proposed easement for the Spanish Moss (Bicycle) Trail.

On March 20, 2024 the Town of Port Royal filed a Petition asking that the Court of Common Pleas grant a permanent and temporary injunction prohibiting Safe Harbor from using certain parts of its newly acquired property for “dock manufacturing”.

In it’s Petition, the Town alleged that the original Planned Unit Development Agreement dated Aug. 9, 2017, and thereafter amended, allowed commercial, retail, light industrial, among other uses, but the “Respondent began using the Property for the manufacture of large floating docks, an activity requiring large scale machinery and equipment …”

The settlement reached with Safe Harbor will give that company an 18-month-long permit to build its docks (and related structures) on the site.

It will cap the rental units throughout the project, including the Bluff properties, at 15%. Also, “Rental Units shall not include multi-level apartments or condominium developments, which shall be prohibited in the Residential Areas.”

It will give Safe Harbor five “townhouse lots” adjacent the Shed in exchange for what is called the “Beer Garden property” adjacent Sands Beach which is currently being used as a parking lot.

Safe Harbor will sign and deliver a 16-foot-wide easement that will allow the Spanish Moss Trail to cross over Ribaut Road and extend south along the old railroad right of way to Ritter Circle.

Safe Harbor will be allowed to maintain eight “Conex boxes” that will be screened from public view in order to service large, ocean-going sailboats.

There is still lingering concern about some items — like where the waterfront promenade will begin and end — that have yet to be worked out. But Mayor Kevin Phillips confirmed that “there will be a promenade and Safe Harbor will produce a Master Plan detailing all of the intended improvements within six months.”

Dean Moss, Executive Director of the Friends of the Spanish Moss Trail, said he was happy about the settlement even though “the process had consumed five years.”

There was also discussion about the new dock that will service the seafood processing facility and the shrimp boats in the area between the Fish Camp Restaurant and the Shellring Ale Works. This dock will be designed in a way that will allow the public to access the dock and, hopefully, to view a revitalized shrimp boat fleet up close.

Town Manager Van Willis also revealed the Town’s intention to extend the existing boardwalk that would effectively double its length and, perhaps, connect it with the so-called “Sands Park” located to the north of the Sands Beach Road.

Perhaps the most important item in the settlement agreement is the requirement that the Town and Safe Harbor meet every three months “to discuss the status of development.” As mentioned herein, there are unresolved items that will require discussion and resolution. Having a meeting every 90 days — and keeping the public informed — will help.

“A lot of hard work and productive compromise has produced a solid path forward where the Town of Port Royal and the Safe Harbor Marinas teams can work in unison on proposed development plans including providing an easement to extend the Spanish Moss Trail, a land swap to provide additional land to the Town, and residential development concessions. If approved by the Port Royal Town Council, the proposed settlement agreement establishes regular, joint meetings between the Town and Safe Harbor Marinas. We are grateful to be part of the Port Royal community, and we look forward to working together,” said Ron Gift, Regional Vice President, Safe Harbor Marinas.

Scott Graber is a lawyer, novelist, veteran columnist and longtime resident of Port Royal. He can be reached at [email protected].

Port Royal and Safe Harbor make peace on waterfront development fight. What’s next?

The unspoken mood in the room at the Port Royal Town Council meeting Wednesday was “let’s finally get this going.”Redevelopment of Port Royal’s prized waterfront — sometimes called its front porch — is now only months away from starting following decades of contention and failed negotiations.The council approved a far-reaching settlement with developer Safe Harbor Marinas to resolve a litany of disputes and details and finally get the massive project moving forward.With the agreement i...

The unspoken mood in the room at the Port Royal Town Council meeting Wednesday was “let’s finally get this going.”

Redevelopment of Port Royal’s prized waterfront — sometimes called its front porch — is now only months away from starting following decades of contention and failed negotiations.

The council approved a far-reaching settlement with developer Safe Harbor Marinas to resolve a litany of disputes and details and finally get the massive project moving forward.

With the agreement in place and approved Wednesday by the Town Council and Friday by Safe Harbor — the long-awaited beautification of two miles of waterfront at the Port of Port Royal can finally begin, town and Safe Harbor officials said.

Safe Harbor is now agreeing that at least 85% of the houses will be for-sale. All of the units would have been rentals under the initial plan, which caused an outcry from local residents. This was a key concession in the deal, which came after months of negotiations.

Safe Harbor also agreed to grant the town a critical easement needed to expand Spanish Moss Trail through the development. And a land swap, also included in the agreement, will provide additional properties to the town. On one of those locations, the town is planning to build a new shrimp dock. At another, the existing boardwalk will be extended through the marsh.

The settlement comes more than three years after Safe Harbor bought the shipping port once owned by the South Carolina Ports Authority but Port Royal residents have been waiting more than 20 years to see the town’s scenic waterfront properly developed ever since the state closed its shipping terminal in 2004.

City Councilman Jerry Ashmore characterized the settlement with Safe Harbor as “historic” with the land abutting Battery Creek months away from being transformed into a 140-slip marina and build out known as the planned unit development.

“It’s been a long-time coming,” said Councilman Darryl Owens, who described the settlement as a “great compromise” that will protect the town’s culture and natural environment.

Councilman Jorge Guerrero credited residents for speaking out, noting that the sight of large cranes on the waterfront prompted them to begin lobbying for changes in the development plans. “Your tenacity is what got us to this point,” Guerrero said.

Safe Harbor purchased the land for $20 million in 2021 but it wasn’t long before disputes arose over the proposed plan to build rental housing, a trail extension through its land and other issues like the construction of large docks on the site for use at other Safe Harbor locations. Little actual construction has occurred other then site clearing and the demolition of the former Ports Authority terminal as the two sides ended up in court followed by mediation that eventually led to the settlement.

“It was contentious at times but we worked it out,” Mayor Kevin Phillips said.

Phillips apologized to the public for not being more forthcoming earlier but said confidential negotiations limited what could be said publicly. The efforts included a 9-hour mediation session in Columbia in November that Phillips said set the framework for the agreement that the Town Council unanimously approved Wednesday.

“It’s huge,” Phillips said after the meeting, referring to the significance of the deal. “It starts the process of really working together on the development on this Port Royal property.”

Ron Gift, Safe Harbor’s regional vice president, said in a statement that “we’re grateful to be part of the Port Royal community.”

Here’s 10 highlights of the agreement:

The agreement settles a dispute over the type of housing that will be constructed in areas overlooking Battery Creek.

In August 2023, Charleston-based The Beach Co., working with Safe Harbor, outlined a plan to build 200 town houses and 30 single-family homes. All of the units would be “build to rent,” it said, which immediately sparked opposition. The town envisioned construction of owner-occupied single-family houses.

In the settlement agreement, Safe Harbor has agreed to limit rentals to 15% of the total residential units. Multi-level apartments and condominiums are prohibited.

Safe Harbor officials have indicated to the town that they eventually plan to sell the real estate part of the development, Phillip noted.

Another dispute that the agreement settles involves the Spanish Moss Trail.

In February, 2024, the Town Council was prepared to approve an easement with Safe Harbor that would allow about a quarter of a mile of Spanish Moss Trail to cross Safe Harbor land from Ribaut Road to Ritter Circle. But the deal fell apart.

Under the agreement, Safe Harbor will donate a 16-foot easement that will allow the trail work to proceed.

The town had owned one of the few publicly owned commercial fishing docks remaining in South Carolina. But it tore down the old rickety dock in 2023 and also removed dilapidated shrimp boats tied to it. That followed a 2021 vote by the Town Council to suspend shrimp processing after spending hundreds of thousands in public money since 2006 in an attempt to preserve the local cultural heritage of the industry.

A land swap is included in the agreement will give land known as Lot G, located between the Fishcamp on 11th Street restaurant and Shellring Ale Works, to the town where new shrimp docks and a new seafood processing facility are planned. An area where residents will be able to view the shrimpers as they unload their catch will be part of that development, Guerrero noted. A dock that the community can use also are part of these plans.

In the land swap, the town will also receive property known as the “beer garden,” and adjacent areas in the marsh. Having the beer garden property and “strips” of land through the marsh will allow the town to extend its existing boardwalk along Battery Creek to create a loop, Phillips said. “You’ll be able to go through the marsh eventually,” he said.

In return, Safe Harbor received five lots from the town behind the Shed building. The town also waived Safe Harbor’s $150,000 commitment toward building the seafood facility.

The town took Safe Harbor to court last March arguing it was breaking town rules by building large floating docks at the property. The town alleged the docks were not being built for the local marina construction but were being shipped to other locations. Safe Harbor responded with a lawsuit of its own that disagreed with the town’s stance.

The agreement calls for adding a revised “clarifying” definition of “light industrial” to the development agreement that excludes dock manufacturing.

The town will issue a temporary use permit to Safe Harbor for up to 18 months to build the docks for the Port Royal marina.

The settlement sets a deadline for Safe Harbor to deliver a “reasonably comprehensive master plan” to the town that includes a timelines for development of the marina. That deadline is six months.

The town now has three months to amend the current development agreement and planned unit development to included the settlement terms.

When the development agreement is amended, both sides will dismiss all the legal claims. “We are basically letting all that go,” Phillips said.

Safe Harbor has received permits from both the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for the marina, Phillips said. The company has said previously that it was attracted to Port Royal because no bridges will restrict the coming and going of boats, and by the depth of Port Royal Sound, which can reach 60 feet deep, making it the deepest natural harbor south of Chesapeake Bay. It’s location halfway between New York and Fort Lauderdale also will make it a convenient stopping point for coastal traffic, Phillips said.

“It’s going to be jewel to them,” Phillips said.

The agreement will allow Safe Harbor to have up to eight portable storage containers known as Conex boxes on the grounds. Conex boxes are a type of cargo container used to store supplies. These boxes will be used by the large sail boats that are expected to use the marina, Phillips said. The original PUD did not allow them.

After enduring months of communication breakdowns, officials with the town and Safe Harbor agree in the settlement to meet every three months to discuss status of the development. The joint meetings will “ensure open lines of communication continue,” Safe Harbor Marinas’ Gift said.

This story was originally published February 13, 2025 at 9:46 AM.

The Island Packet


Karl Puckett covers the city of Beaufort, town of Port Royal and other communities north of the Broad River for The Beaufort Gazette and Island Packet. The Minnesota native also has worked at newspapers in his home state, Alaska, Wisconsin and Montana.

Is years-long dispute with Safe Harbor over yet? Port Royal residents look for answers

As the new year begins, Port Royal officials are guardedly hopeful that one of the most highly anticipated and most contentious developments north of the Broad River will finally get off the ground in 2025.The area in question is where dolphins and boats cruise Battery Creek as cars cross the Russell Bell Bridge. People walk the beach or boardwalk. Patrons of shorefront restaurants enjoy a cocktail at sunset. Safe Harbor Marinas purchased land within this classic Lowcountry setting on the water in Port Royal with promises to build a w...

As the new year begins, Port Royal officials are guardedly hopeful that one of the most highly anticipated and most contentious developments north of the Broad River will finally get off the ground in 2025.

The area in question is where dolphins and boats cruise Battery Creek as cars cross the Russell Bell Bridge. People walk the beach or boardwalk. Patrons of shorefront restaurants enjoy a cocktail at sunset. Safe Harbor Marinas purchased land within this classic Lowcountry setting on the water in Port Royal with promises to build a world-class marina and hundred of units of residential housing. Three years later, there’s neither.

“There has been some meetings, there have been some talks and I think we’re all cautiously optimistic,” Councilman Jerry Ashmore said. “So stay tuned. I hate to say it. But stay tuned.” The public will wait and see if there’s any real progress on the horizon.

Ashmore’s comments came at a Town Council meeting Wednesday when Tricia Fidrych, a Port Royal resident who has previously criticized Safe Harbor’s plans and called for more transparency about them, urged town officials to share what they can about the latest developments.

The outlook of Mayor Kevin Phillips, piggybacking on Ashmore’s comments, also was positive.

“We’ve all been working very hard with them,” Phillips said, “and hopefully we can give a really great update really soon.”

Later, Phillips said the two sides never completely stopped talking even as the disputes over the development played out but talks picked up at the close of 2024.

“We are negotiating with them about issues we are trying to get resolved,” Phillips said. “And we feel like we are very close to that.”

Later in Wednesday’s meeting, Town Council members went into executive session, which is closed to the public, to discuss legal issues tied to the Safe Harbor development. “Hopefully — fingers crossed — it will be our last executive session” regarding Safe Harbor, Phillips said.

Safe Harbor initially ran afoul with the residents when a partner in charge of the housing proposed rental townhouses instead of owner-occupied houses. The town was also caught off guard when Safe Harbor began constructing large portable docks on the waterfront and shipping them to marinas it owned at other locations. The noisy industrial use of the waterfront violated the town’s rules, it argued.

After talks between the two sides a year ago, both sides expressed optimism. But in March, citing the violation of zoning ordinances, the town filed court documents intended to stop Safe Harbor from manufacturing large portable docks on the site.

Town officials said Wednesday that it’s been difficult to remain silent.

“I’m excited,” Phillips said.

“But,” Ashmore added, “we’ve been excited before.”

The land, which is located in the old village part of the town, abuts Battery Creek. It was once the home of a South Carolina Ports Authority terminal. A marina-centered development that includes retail and housing and improved public access has been talked about for years.

Port Royal residents, who are fiercely protective of the town’s vision for the property, see economic and quality of life benefits in developing the land around the port, which has been vacant since 2004. Besides investment in the marina and related businesses and the housing, a public park and promenade are part of the plan as well as improved docks for shrimp boats.

Safe Harbor Marinas announced in December 2021 that it had purchased 300 acres for $20.5 million from Grey Ghost Properties. About 50 acres of the marshy area is suitable for development.

Grey Ghost, which had bought the land from the South Carolina Ports Authority for $9 million in 2017, laid the groundwork before selling to the well heeled Safe Harbor, which operates a network of marinas across the country.

The purchase set the stage for development of a 150-200-slip marina that Safe Harbor said would be a “world class” boating destination because of the deep water of the Port of Port Royal and its location between New York and Key West, possibly even attracting an occasional “megayacht.”

Safe Harbor began operating an existing 240-boat dry stack storage business and getting the site ready for development, which included demolishing the 70,000 square-foot Ports Authority shipping terminal built in 1959. It’s also been trying to secure permits for the marina. But no construction has occurred.

Information about the plans has been hard to come by since the situation ended up in a legal tangle 10 months ago.

Fidrych, the Port Royal resident, showed up at a Wednesday’s Town Council expecting an update after hearing that a meeting between town and Safe Harbor officials was planned last week. Port Royal officials emphasized that they had to be careful about what they said but “we think we are very close to something,” Phillips said.

“That’s something,” Fidrych told council members.

December 2021: Safe Harbor Marinas announced it has acquired the former South Carolina State Ports Authority terminal in downtown Port Royal.

August 2023: The Beach Company unveils a plan to build more than 200 town houses and some 30 single-family homes. But the units, which will have enviable views of Battery Creek and the Bell Bridge crossing it, will be for rent, not for sale.

September 2023: Residents push back on a plan by The Beach Company that it must build 200 townhomes and some 30 single-family homes — and rent them all — in order to make a housing project along the town’s prime waterfront “pencil out.”

October 2023: Carrying signs that said “Please Care,” “Don’t Ruin Our Port” and “What Happened to the Dream,” Port Royal residents rally for changes in the port property as the Town Council discusses the issue in executive sessions.

December 2023: Port Royal sends a six-page letter to Safe Harbor Marinas demanding answers on why they’ve seen little progress in the two years since Safe Harbor purchased the property. The town also threatens breach of the development agreement if Safe Harbor keeps using the property to build docks that have nothing to do with the Port Royal redevelopment.

February 2024: Port Royal and Safe Harbor Marina officials say a Feb. 1 meeting called to air concerns about a marina-centered development on the town waterfront restarted a long-stalled dialogue.

March 2024: Citing the violation of zoning ordinances, the town filed court documents intended to stop Safe Harbor Marinas from manufacturing large portable docks on the developer’s property abutting Battery Creek, describing the use as illegal and a “dangerous activity” that’s already lead to one death and numerous public complaints. The docks being built are not intended for use in Port Royal but in other Safe Harbor facilities along the east coast.

August 2024: A potential move by Safe Harbor to switch residential developers for the housing planned on the shores of Battery Creek revises a previous path to build rentals. The old plan stirred up a hornet’s nest of opposition while the new one might go a long way toward easing the tension.

January 2025: Town officials say they are cautiously optimistic the town and Safe Harbor will work out their differences.

This story was originally published January 17, 2025 at 9:34 AM.

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