Divorce Attorney in Bluffton SC

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If there were one universal truth it would be that every family is different. We all have our own set of challenges to face and changes to go through. Sometimes those changes are happy like when a new baby is born. Other times these changes involve uncertainty and loss like in the event of a divorce.

If you are having to go through the pain of divorce deal with a complicated custody issue or are handling a different family-related legal matter you might need help. At Cobb Hammett LLC we understand that family issues are hard. Many of the family law clients that we work for have big questions about the future leaving them over-stressed and full of worry. They are concerned about their children their marriage or both. They are wrestling with uncertainty and anxiety having been served confusing documents that don't make sense. Sound familiar? A family law attorney in Bluffton, SC can help whether you need a level-headed moderator or a trusted advocate in the courtroom.

At Cobb Hammett LLC we have decades of combined experience serving the needs of families from divorce proceedings to family formation issues. Our team is fiercely committed to our clients and with a dedicated focus stays up-to-date on the nuanced world of family law in Bluffton. If you're looking for personal attention unbiased representation and a responsive family law attorney look no further than our law firm.

Divorce Attorney Bluffton, SC

If you're unsure of whether you need a family law lawyers in Bluffton" ask yourself these questions:

  • Are you getting married?
  • Are you thinking about divorce?
  • Has your spouse served you with legal papers?
  • Are your kids not receiving the support that they are entitled to?

If you answered yes to any of the questions above know that we are here to help you figure out your next steps. With Cobb Hammett Law Firm by your side you can have the confidence to face even the most difficult family law issues. All of our attorneys have years of experience are incredibly responsive and fight for your family's rights. We are happy to take as much time as you need to answer questions and help put your mind at ease for whatever lies ahead.

 Law Firm Bluffton, SC

Our firm specializes in a wide range of family law cases including:

  • Divorce
  • Child Custody
  • Alimony
  • Adoptions
  • Child Support
  • Mediation
  • Property Division
  • More

If you have been left to manage a foreign family law situation it's time to call Cobb Hammett LLC. We will sit down with you for an hour at absolutely no cost - because we understand what you're going through and know that you need answers not another bill to pay.

To help provide you with a basic understanding of family law keep reading for in-depth explanations on our areas of expertise.

 Attorney Bluffton, SC

Divorce lawyer in
Bluffton SC.

At Cobb Hammett LLC we know all-too-well that a one size fits all approach isn't going to work very well for your unique situation. That's why we approach each divorce case from a personalized standpoint - something that we feel like each of our clients deserves.

 Divorce Lawyer Bluffton, SC
Our goal is to help solve your family law issues and focus on your needs when your divorce is finalized. We will help develop a strategy for:
  • Meeting your post-divorce needs and objectives
  • Dividing marital property for maximum benefit
  • Maximizing time spent with your child as part of your divorce's parenting plan
  • Strengthen your role as a decision-maker for your child
  • Navigating your divorce proceedings and minimizing financial and emotional costs

By working together our divorce law firm will help you rebuild your life and secure a better future for your family.

Divorces in South Carolina
- Different Than Other States

Unlike divorce law in other states South Carolina divorce law doesn't allow spouses to receive an instant no-fault divorce. One or both spouses in the marriage must establish a legally acceptable reason for a divorce to happen. Grounds for a divorce in Bluffton, SC include:

  • Desertion
  • Physical Cruelty
  • Habitual Drunkenness
  • Separation for One Year or More
  • Adultery
Divorce Attorney Bluffton, SC

If you or your spouse do not have the necessary grounds for divorce in Bluffton our family law firm can file a Separate Maintenance and Support action. This step lets the court order child custody alimony and marital bills until you can file for your divorce. During this period Cobb Hammett LLC gathers pertinent info on your spouse's character and assets that can strengthen your case should it be necessary.

Common Issues Associated
with Divorces in Bluffton

A divorce in Bluffton means more than the end of a marriage. It involves dividing the parties debts and assets determines child support and custody parameters and can establish alimony. At Cobb Hammett LLC many of our clients are able to reach agreements with their spouse to resolve these issues. Reaching an agreement lets both parties customize the terms of their divorce to conserve resources avoid trial and meet the family's needs.

Sometimes however two spouses cannot or will not come to terms with an agreement. In these situations a trial is possible and litigation is necessary. Our family law attorneys in Bluffton, SC. are highly experienced litigators and are well-equipped to handle any disputes revealed in the conference or courtroom.

Common divorce issues include:

 Law Firm Bluffton, SC

Child Custody and Visitation

One of the most heart-wrenching difficult decisions for parents going through a divorce is resolving child custody and visitation issues. Child custody refers to how much time each parent will spend with their child and whether they can make decisions for them. According to South Carolina law child custody and visitation time are based on what is best for the child.

 Attorney Bluffton, SC

Child Support

Like other U.S states a formula is used in South Carolina to determine how much child support a person must pay. This formula recommends the amount of child support based on factors like how much income the parents make the cost of childcare and the obligation to support children from other relationships.

 Divorce Lawyer Bluffton, SC


In South Carolina there is no formula to determine how much alimony a person must pay. However courts consider several factors when deciding if alimony is needed how much alimony should be paid and how long a spouse must pay it. Those factors include each spouse's ability and need to pay alimony how long the marriage lasted and any marital misconduct that occurred. To make matters more confusing there are different alimony types including lump sum rehabilitative and reimbursement.

Divorce Attorney Bluffton, SC

Distribution of Property

In South Carolina marital property is the property that each spouse amasses from the date of the wedding to the time a spouse files for divorce. That property can often include marital debt. In a South Carolina divorce the courts will order an equitable division of property meaning fair under all circumstances but not necessarily equal.

 Law Firm Bluffton, SC

Understanding Child Custody in Bluffton, SC.

As mentioned above decisions that involve child custody and visitation can be contentious for parents both emotionally and legally. As experienced empathetic divorce lawyers we understand how difficult this process can be. When we work with clients going through child custody battles we always make it a point to be with them through the ups and downs to help them stay centered. Whether you are the husband or wife in your divorce we share a common goal: finding an effective way to support your children and assure their wellbeing.

In South Carolina child custody is a loaded term. In the most general definition child custody determines when each parent is responsible for the physical care of the child and how much authority each parent has to make decisions in their child's life.

No two child custody cases are the same but a negotiated custody arrangement is usually preferred in the judge's eyes as each parent has input in the process. If the parents cannot come to an amicable resolution their fate is left in the hands of a Family Court Judge in South Carolina. The focus of child custody law is always on what is in the best interests of the child. What the judge determines to be the best interests changes depending on the judge.

There are different variations of custody in South Carolina (or custody arrangements) each with varying degrees of authority. When you consult with our family law attorneys at Cobb Hammett LLC we will go over the child custody process in detail and touch on each distinction to eliminate any confusion you have.

  • Help develop cooperative solutions to disputes or mediate when needed
  • Create an equitable parenting plan
  • Discuss the implications of the different forms of joint and sole custody
  • Problems related to child support
  • Modify court orders if you or your child's circumstances change
  • Enforcement of visitation and custody agreements
  • Much more
Many of the family law clients that walk into our office have big questions that are leaving them full of stress and worry. <

Many of the family law clients that walk into our office have big questions that are leaving them full of stress and worry.

 Attorney Bluffton, SC

Understanding Child Support
in Bluffton, SC.

When children are involved in divorce cases child support is often ordered. Several factors can impact whether child support is ordered like the income-earning potential of the child's parents any custody arrangements that are created and what needs the child may have.

At Cobb Hammett LLC we have years of experience with child support issues relating to:

  • Cases where child support is needed for stay-at-home parents
  • Modifications and enforcement of child support mandates
  • Resolving support and custody disputes
  • Mediation arrangements to reach an agreement on child support. Compared to litigation going
  • the mediated route often means less stress and is more cost-effective than trial.

When you trust our family law firm in Bluffton for representation we can help calculate an estimate of how much child support you or your spouse may be ordered to pay. We can also perform a needs-based analysis in cases that involve large amounts of income. At the end of the day our goal is to make this frustrating process as stress-free as possible for you so that you can focus on living life and caring for your child.

Understanding Alimony in
Bluffton, SC.

Alimony (sometimes called spousal support or maintenance) is ordered by the court or negotiated between parties. This kind of spousal support has many factors like the income of both spouses how long they were married and the age of each spouse. Like child custody and child support trusted legal guidance is strongly recommended if you are facing potential alimony payments. Our family law attorneys will help you reach amicable arrangements for fair and appropriate alimony payments.

At Cobb Hammett LLC your family law attorney in Bluffton, SC will help protect your interests and rights regarding:

 Divorce Lawyer Bluffton, SC
  • Alimony and business assets
  • Permanent or long-term alimony
  • Significant alimony in high-asset divorces
  • Modifications to alimony arrangements when you or your spouse's circumstances change
  • Enforcement of spousal support mandates when needed

Understanding Division of
Property in Bluffton, SC.

When there are no children marital property or issues of alimony divorces often proceed smoothly between amicable spouses. However most divorces in South Carolina are much more complex. Typically divorce involves a union between spouses that lasts for years and involves substantial marital property. This property can be personal property real estate family businesses debts out-of-state property debts bank accounts and more.

In these nuanced situations the applicable parties need assistance dividing their property. This help most often comes from seasoned family law attorneys like Cobb Hammett LLC.

When it comes to distribution of property certain types of properties that are controversial even under the property division rules in South Carolina. South Carolina is an equitable distribution state meaning that marital property is divided equitably but not always equally.

If you are going through a divorce it's important that you are aware of the following assets and the common issues their division presents:

Divorce Attorney Bluffton, SC


Generally pensions are the second-largest asset in a marriage. When there are sufficient alternative income sources to compensate the non-pension holder South Carolina divorce courts may leave the pension rights with the spouse who earned it with future distribution available. Otherwise a divorce court may enter a Qualified Domestic Relations Order requiring the pension administrator to pay both the former spouse and worker.

Family Home

Family Home:

The family home or the primary residential property owned by the divorcing couple is usually considered a marriage's biggest asset. Dividing this kind of property can be complex and frustrating especially when there are kids involved.

Many divorcing couples have a hard time reaching an agreement on property division. Because the division of property depends on the complexity of you or your spouse's assets and liabilities it is crucial to consult with an experienced family law attorney to provide guidance.

Latest News in Bluffton, SC

Two people charged Jan. 19 after two separate fatal wrecks in Jasper County


Two people face charges after two separate auto accidents Jan. 19 in Jasper County left two people dead, according to the South Carolina Highway Patrol.

Ashley Q. Brooks, 38, of Estill was charged Jan. 19 with felony Driving Under the Influence (DUI) after a one-vehicle accident around midnight on Cypress Branch Road, SCHP Master Trooper William Bennett said Jan. 27.

Tyrin Brooks, 39, of Estill, died after being transported to Hampton Regional Medical Center following the accident, Jasper County Coroner Jeremiah Vaigneur previously said.

The accident happened on Cypress Branch Road about eight miles west of Pineland, according to Bennett. Brooks had been one of the passengers in a 2016 BMW Sedan, Bennett said, which had been traveling south when it ran off the road to the right, striking a ditch, overturning and striking a tree.Bennett said there had been a total of five people in the car at the time of the accident and all occupants had been transported to a local hospital for treatment.

Malik Mitchell, 33, of Ridgeland was the second driver charged Jan. 19 with Felony DUI in the second accident which happened around 3a.m. on Interstate 95 about two miles north of the town of Ridgeland, Bennett said.

Quandashi Busby, 27, died following the one-car accident which happened within hours of the first accident Jan. 19 around Midnight, Jasper County Coroner Jeremiah Vaigneur previously said.

The accident involved a 2016 Audi Sedan and there were two passengers and one driver in the vehicle at the time of the crash, Bennett said. The vehicle, Bennett said, had been traveling north on Interstate 95 near mile marker 16 when it left the roadway to the right, overturning several times. Busby had been a passenger in the vehicle, Bennett said, and all other occupants had been transported to a local hospital for treatment.

Novant Health pushes for new project, Beaufort Memorial opposes request

BLUFFTON, SC. (WTOC) - In a long debate Tuesday, some advocated for a hospital coming to Bluffton, while others hoped it would stay away.Novant Health is asking the South Carolina Department of Public Health for a certificate of need to move forward on the project. Beaufort Memorial, however, opposing the plan and asking the state to deny Novant’s request.The $320 million project would bring a 50-bed hospital near the intersection of Buckwalter Parkway and Bluffton Parkway.“Novant Health is looking forward to...

BLUFFTON, SC. (WTOC) - In a long debate Tuesday, some advocated for a hospital coming to Bluffton, while others hoped it would stay away.

Novant Health is asking the South Carolina Department of Public Health for a certificate of need to move forward on the project. Beaufort Memorial, however, opposing the plan and asking the state to deny Novant’s request.

The $320 million project would bring a 50-bed hospital near the intersection of Buckwalter Parkway and Bluffton Parkway.

“Novant Health is looking forward to the opportunity to build a hospital campus that will allow those patients to stay in their local community with advanced services, said Jason Bernd, the president of Novant Health’s South Carolina region.

In a public hearing Tuesday, it was standing room only as both Novant Health and Beaufort Memorial made their case.

Novant saying there’s a clear need for healthcare in the area.

“With a growing, thriving community, we really did want to create more access,” said Bernd.

Beaufort Memorial not disagreeing with that. Bluffton’s need is actually the reason they asked for a certificate of need in the same area more than five years ago.

“Beaufort Memorial does not deny the need for more hospital beds in Beaufort County. We actually submitted an application for a new hospital in 2018 when we then identified a need for more beds in Beaufort County,” said Russell Baxley, the president and CEO of Beaufort Memorial.

That application was withdrawn by Beaufort Memorial Baxley said they received constant push-back by hospitals now owned by Novant, Like Hilton Head Hospital and Coastal Carolina Hospital.

Now, Beaufort Memorial is using that site to build a medical campus. Novant is proposing to bring its hospital directly across the street.

“What this is about is the ethics of healthcare delivery, about the duplicity of those that are saying now there’s a need when six months ago there was not a need,” said Baxley.

Novant health disagreeing with that, saying this is all about filling a void.

“Today was a conversation about whether there is a need for a hospital in Bluffton, and I think resoundingly everyone said ‘yes,’” said Bernd.

A decision needs to be made by the South Carolina Department of Public Health by March 22, 2025.

Copyright 2025 WTOC. All rights reserved.

Where to eat, shop, and stay in Bluffton, South Carolina

Those who love rambling will appreciate this town's unhurried pace and walkable charm steeped in Lowcountry characterJanuary 23, 2025Nestled under ancient oaks and cradled by the quiet May River, Bluffton retains a sepia-toned serenity that underscores its billing as the “last true coastal village in the South.” For centuries the town, incorporated in 1852 as one square mile along its namesake bluff, remained a tucked-away enclave of oystermen and fishermen, not much more than a pass-through (or rather, speed trap) ...

Those who love rambling will appreciate this town's unhurried pace and walkable charm steeped in Lowcountry character

January 23, 2025

Nestled under ancient oaks and cradled by the quiet May River, Bluffton retains a sepia-toned serenity that underscores its billing as the “last true coastal village in the South.” For centuries the town, incorporated in 1852 as one square mile along its namesake bluff, remained a tucked-away enclave of oystermen and fishermen, not much more than a pass-through (or rather, speed trap) for travelers to Hilton Head. Today, Bluffton’s historic district is a destination all its own—still petite and perfectly quaint, but a haven for artists and galleries, a deliverer of culinary surprises, and home to the state’s last hand-shucking oyster company. Those who love rambling will appreciate Bluffton’s unhurried pace and walkable charm steeped in Lowcountry character.

Warm WelcomeSettle in at Old Town Bluffton Inn, a three-story, 14-room property that anchors the historic district’s main intersection. Friendly innkeepers are at the ready with a complimentary glass of wine and itinerary suggestions, or if you prefer R&R to exploring, the elegant rooms feature small balconies.

Rise and ShineFuel up for the day with breakfast or brunch at the Cottage, a coffee shop, bakery, and cafe in a historic bungalow with shady front-porch seating. Opt for the classic tomato pie, killer salads, or Crabby Bernice, a crab-loaded eggs Benedict.

Coastal ChicWhile Spartina 449’s exquisite handbags, clothing, and jewelry are in boutiques around the country, Bluffton boasts the flagship. Designed by locals, Spartina’s bespoke collections fill the delightful, tin-roofed, century-old cottage.

Sweet, Sweet SpiritThere’s salvation to be had—or at least heavenly spirits—at Burnt Church Distillery. Light pours through the stained-glass windows of the Sanctuary tasting room, where wicked cocktails featuring small-batch bourbon, gin, whiskey, and vodka tempt patrons.

Gallery HoppingCalhoun Street is creativity central, with galleries galore tucked into old cottages, including SOBA (Society of Bluffton Artists, a nonprofit co-op), which rotates original work from 100 artists, and La Petite Gallerie, showcasing jewelry, pottery, and paintings.

Golden HourIs anything as peaceful as a vermillion sunset over the May River? Beside the picturesque Church of the Holy Cross, Wright Park’s swings, benches, and dock offer the perfect perch for soaking in Bluffton’s natural beauty.

Deep RootsAt Okàn, Bluffton’s Gullah history and West African heritage come together in Chef Bennett’s James Beard–nominated dishes. Meanwhile, roots of the literal sort run deep at Farm, where seasonality reigns and locally sourced produce and seafood shine on the almost daily–changing menu.

This article appears in the Winter 2025 issue of Southbound.

Lowcountry health care provider promises legal battle if competitor gets hospital greenlight

BLUFFTON — The battle over Lowcountry patients took another turn as an official revealed plans for Beaufort Memorial Hospital to build a 28-bed hospital here, and its CEO declared intentions to challenge a potential award to a competitor.These developments threaten to further delay a Bluffton hospital, which Beaufort Memorial first announced in 2018 in collaboration with the Medical University of South Carolina.Beaufort County Ne...

BLUFFTON — The battle over Lowcountry patients took another turn as an official revealed plans for Beaufort Memorial Hospital to build a 28-bed hospital here, and its CEO declared intentions to challenge a potential award to a competitor.

These developments threaten to further delay a Bluffton hospital, which Beaufort Memorial first announced in 2018 in collaboration with the Medical University of South Carolina.

Beaufort County News

Construction has still not begun because competitors engaged in legal challenges, which persisted until September, when Beaufort Memorial withdrew its application to state regulators. Plans for the facility were fought by hospitals in Hilton Head and Hardeeville, which were owned by Tenet Health until February, when Novant Health, a North Carolina nonprofit conglomerate, acquired the two locations.

A Savannah hospital also tried to thwart Beaufort Memorial's attempt.

Soon after Beaufort Memorial backed down, Novant submitted plans for its own hospital to the state Department of Health. Novant estimated the project would cost $320 million. The facility would have 50 beds and is planned for an 18-acre site at the intersection of Buckwalter Parkway and Lake Point Drive, near the location of a controversial road project. Eventually, Novant wants to double the beds at this facility.

After Beaufort Memorial opposed Novant's application, a public hearing was held Jan. 14 at a Bluffton library.

More than 80 people packed the room. Members of each hospital system presented. Hospital employees wore their identification badges. Residents offered their thoughts. State health department employees monitored on the side.

Beaufort Memorial Hospital CEO Russel Baxley spoke first, taking attendees through the hospital's 80-year history and its contributions to the community, before turning to the legal battle, which he dubbed "Novant's remarkable about-face."

Baxley accused Novant of "weaponizing" the certificate of need process, which requires providers to seek approval from the state before beginning construction on certain health care facilities. S.C. lawmakers voted to sunset this requirement for hospitals by 2027.

Jason Bernd, a Novant senior regional vice president, spoke about the $10 billion nonprofit, its record of building community hospitals in North Carolina — touting positive evaluations from quality of care agencies — and its own community-building efforts.

Criticism of Beaufort Memorial came from David Levitt, a consultant assisting Novant with its state application.

"There's a lot of disingenuous statements about inconsistencies," he told the room.

Beaufort Memorial's newly planned 28-bed hospital is planned for inside a medical office building, which is slated for groundbreaking in February. The hospital is a joint venture with MUSC. Timing for reviewing the applications will depend on whether state health department officials deem the two efforts as competing.

Baxley confirmed that Beaufort Memorial would challenge if a certificate is awarded to Novant.

"We are going to defend our position that Beaufort Memorial should have been allowed to build the hospital in question seven years ago," he told The Post and Courier after the hearing.

Novant, however, is not gearing up for a legal fight.

"We have no plans to oppose through the courts," Bernd said.


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