Criminal Defense Attorney inGreer, SC

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Cobb Hammett Law Firm: Giving Hope to
Criminal Defense Clients in
Greer, SC

Getting charged with a crime in Greer can be a traumatic experience. Even "petty" crimes can cause an individual's life to fall apart professionally and personally. Spending time in jail is bad enough, but the ramifications of a criminal record run deep, resulting in loss of employment, loss of friends, and even family. For many people, having a zealous criminal defense attorney in Greer, SC, to defend their rights is the only shot they have of living a normal life.

That's why, if you have been charged with a crime, you need the help of a veteran criminal defense lawyer early in the legal process. That's where Cobb Hammett Law Firm comes in to give you or your loved one hope when you need it the most.

Our criminal defense law firm was founded to help people just like you - hardworking men and women who are looking at diminished employment opportunities and a possible lifetime of embarrassment. But with our team of experts fighting by your side, you have a much better chance of maintaining your freedom and living a normal, productive life. When it comes to criminal law in Greer, we've seen it all. With decades of combined experience, there is no case too complicated or severe for us to handle, from common DUI charges to complicated cases involving juvenile crimes. Unlike some of our competition, we prioritize personalized service and cutting-edge criminal defense strategies to effectively represent our clients.

Clients rank Cobb Hammett, LLC as the top choice for Greer criminal defense because we provide:

  • One-on-One Counsel
  • Education on the Greer Legal Process and Its Risks
  • Ardent, Effective Representation
  • Commitment to Our Clients and Defending Their Rights
  • Prompt Inquiry Response
  • Robust Experience with Criminal Law Cases in Greer
  • Innovative Defense Strategies
  • Effective, Thorough Research and Investigation

Choosing the right criminal defense lawyer in Greer can mean the difference between conviction and acquittal. Our firm has represented thousands of clients in the Lowcountry, and we're ready to defend you too. Some of our specialties include:

Criminal Defense Attorney Greer, SC

DUI Cases
in Greer, SC

DUI penalties in Greer can be very harsh. Many first-time DUI offenders must endure a lifelong criminal record, license suspension, and the possibility of spending time in jail. Officers and judges take DUI very seriously, with 30% of traffic fatalities in South Carolina involving impaired drivers, according to NHTSA. Criminal convictions can have lasting impacts on your life, which is why Cobb Hammett Law Firm works so hard to get these charges dismissed or negotiated down. In some cases, we help clients avoid jail time altogether.

 Law Firm Greer, SC
When you hire our DUI defense firm, our team will always work towards your best interests and will go above and beyond to achieve the best outcome in your case. Depending on the circumstances of your DUI charges, we will investigate whether:
  • Your DUI stop was legal
  • You were administered a field sobriety test correctly
  • The breathalyzer used was calibrated correctly and properly maintained
  • Urine and blood tests were administered and collected properly

The bottom line? Our criminal law defense attorneys will do everything possible to keep you out of jail with a clean permanent record. It all starts with a free consultation, where we will take time to explain the DUI process. We'll also discuss your defense options and speak at length about the differences between going to trial and accepting a plea bargain.

DUI Penalties in Greer, SC

The consequences of a DUI in Greer depend on a number of factors, including your blood alcohol level and how many DUIs you have received in the last 10 years. If you're convicted, the DUI charge will remain on your criminal history and can be seen by anyone who runs a background check on you. Sometimes, a judge will require you to enter alcohol treatment or install an interlock device on your automobile.

If you're on the fence about hiring a criminal defense lawyer in Greer, SC, consider the following DUI consequences:

 Criminal Defense Lawyer Greer, SC

First Offense


48 hours to 90 days

in jail

with fines ranging from

$400 to $1,000

Second Offense


Five days to three years

in jail

with fines ranging from

$2,100 to $6,500

Third Offense


60 days to five years

in jail

with fines ranging from

$3,800 to $10,000

Additional consequences can include:


Alcohol or Drug Treatment

When convicted of DUI in South Carolina, most offenders must join the Alcohol and Drug Safety Action Program. This program mandates that offenders complete a drug and alcohol assessment and follow the recommended treatment options.

Criminal Defense Attorney Greer, SC


Community Service

Some first-time DUI offenders in Greer may choose to complete community service in lieu of jail time. Community service hours are usually equal to the length of jail time an offender would be required to serve.

 Law Firm Greer, SC

Sanctions to Your Driver's License

Typically, when a person is convicted of driving under the influence in Greer, their driver's license is restricted or suspended. The length of restriction or suspension depends on how many prior DUI convictions an individual has.

First DUI Offense

First-time DUI offenders must endure a six-month license suspension. Drivers convicted with a blood-alcohol level of .15% or more do not qualify for a provisional license. However, sometimes they may still drive using an ignition interlock device.

Second DUI Offense

Offenders convicted of a second DUI charge must use an ignition interlock device (IID) for two years.

Third DUI Offense

Offenders convicted of a third DUI charge must use an ignition interlock device (IID) for three years. That term increases to four years if the driver is convicted of three DUIs in five years.

Immobilized Vehicle

For offenders with two or more convictions, the judge will immobilize their vehicle if it is not equipped with an IID. When a judge immobilizes a vehicle, the owner must turn over their registration and license plate. Clearly, the consequences of receiving a DUI in Greer can be life-changing, and not in a good way. The good news is that with Cobb Hammett Law Firm, you have a real chance at beating your charges and avoiding serious fines and jail time. Every case is different, which is why it's so important that you call our office as soon as possible if you are charged with a DUI.

Traffic Violation Cases

Most drivers brush off traffic law violations as minor offenses, but the fact of the matter is they are criminal matters to be taken seriously. Despite popular opinion, Traffic Violation cases in Greer can carry significant consequences like fines and even incarceration. If you or someone you love has been convicted of several traffic offenses, your license could be suspended, restricting your ability to work and feed your family.

Every driver should take Traffic Violations seriously. If you're charged with a traffic crime, it's time to protect yourself and your family with a trusted criminal defense lawyer in Greer, SC. Cobb Dill Hammett, LLC is ready to provide the legal guidance and advice you need to beat your traffic charges. We'll research the merits of your case, explain what charges you're facing, discuss your defense options, and strategize an effective defense on your behalf.

Common Greer
Traffic Violations That Cobb Hammett Law
Firm Fights

There are dozens and dozens of traffic laws in Greer, all of which affect drivers in some way. Our Greer defense attorneys fight a full range of violations, including but not limited to the following:

 Criminal Defense Lawyer Greer, SC
  • Driving Under Suspension: If you drive while your license is suspended, revoked, or canceled, you could be looking at 30 days in jail and fines up to $300.
  • Driving Under the Influence: Operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated on drugs or alcohol is illegal and often results in jail time and fines.
  • Reckless Driving: You could be ordered to pay up to $200 in fines or jailed for up to 30 days if you drive with wanton disregard for the safety of other people.
  • Racing: You can be cited and fined if you aid or participate in street racing.
  • Hit and Run: When you leave the scene of an accident that involved injury to another party, you can be arrested. This serious charge can lead to up to one year in jail and fines of up to $5,000 for first-time offenders.
  • Disregard Traffic Signals: Drivers must obey all traffic signals and control devices, less they be ticketed and sometimes fined.

As seasoned traffic violation lawyers, we know how frustrating it can be to get charged with a Traffic Violation. While some traffic charges can be minor, others are severe and can affect your life for years to come. Don't leave your fate up to chance call Cobb Hammett Law Firm today for the highest-quality Traffic Violation representation in Greer.

Juvenile Crime Cases in
Greer, SC

At Cobb Dill Hammett, LLC, we understand that children are still growing and learning about the world around them. As such, they may make mistakes that get them into trouble with the law. Children and teens who are arrested in Greer can face much different futures than other children their age. Some face intensive probation, while others are made to spend time in jail.

This happens most often when a child's parents fail to retain legal counsel for their son or daughter. Cases referred to the South Carolina Department of Juvenile Justice often move quicker than adult cases, so finding a good lawyer is of utmost importance. With that said, a compassionate criminal defense attorney in Greer, SC, can educate you and your child about their alleged charges. To help prevent your child from going to a detention center, we will devise a strategy to achieve favorable results in their case.

Criminal Defense Attorney Greer, SC
 Law Firm Greer, SC

Juvenile Detention Hearings

Unlike adults, juveniles don't have a constitutional right to a bond hearing. Instead, once your child is taken into custody a Detention Hearing is conducted within 48 hours. This hearing is similar to a combination of a Bond Hearing and a Preliminary Hearing. Unfortunately, there is little time to prepare for these hearings, which is why you must move quickly and call Cobb Hammett law firm as soon as possible.

Our team gathers police reports, petitions, interviews your child at the DJJ, speaks with you about the case and talks to the prosecutor to discover if they have plans for detention. In most cases, we strive to avoid detention and seek alternatives like divisionary programs or treatment facilities. This strategy better addresses your child's issues and keeps them out of the juvenile legal system in Greer. If your child is charged with a crime, and South Carolina decides to prosecute, your child will appear before a family court judge, who will find them delinquent or not delinquent. There are no juries in juvenile cases in South Carolina, which is why it's crucial to have a lawyer present to defend your child if they go in front of a judge.

Common penalties for juveniles charged with crimes in Greer include:

 Criminal Defense Lawyer Greer, SC
  • Probation: Children charged with probation are released to their parents or guardians. Depending on their charges, they must abide by certain stipulations while at home and may be subject to random drug screenings. Violation of probation often results in jail time.
  • 90 Days in Juvenile Detention Center: When probation is not a viable option, prosecutors may push for 90 days of jail time in a juvenile detention facility.
  • Juvenile Detention: Children who commit very serious crimes can be sent to a juvenile detention center for a long time. These sentences can last up to the child's 21st birthday.
  • School Expulsion: When a child is convicted of a crime, their school is notified of the offense. Sometimes, the administration may decide to expel the child from school for the misdemeanors or felonies they commit.

We Fight to Protect
Your Rights So You Can
Provide for Your Family

Whether you are facing a DUI charge or a serious traffic violation, Cobb Hammett Law Firm is here to fight for your rights so you can continue living life. The future might seem bleak, but our criminal defense lawyers in Greer, SC, have the tools, experience, and strategy to win your case, as we have with so many others. Don't lose hope call our office today and maintain your freedom tomorrow.

Ask us anything

Call Now 843-936-6680 PH

Latest News in Greer, SC

Greer chef Michael Sibert wins ‘Chopped’ competition

Greer chef Michael Sibert won Food Network’s “Chopped” competition in an episode that aired March 4.The long-running show, hosted by Ted Allen, pits four chefs against each other over three rounds of dishes.Sibert — owner and chef of White Wine & Butter and ...

Greer chef Michael Sibert won Food Network’s “Chopped” competition in an episode that aired March 4.

The long-running show, hosted by Ted Allen, pits four chefs against each other over three rounds of dishes.

Sibert — owner and chef of White Wine & Butter and Anonymous Burgers — created crab rangoon cake with cherry gastrique, teres major with risotto and “pancake tacos” with chocolate mousse, tamarind candied mango, pineapple, strawberries, watermelon, cucumbers and fresh blackberries.

He felt the second dish earned him his victory, and it ironically arose from a mishap. Sibert first tried to hard sear the steak in an oven and it came out underdone. He was able to correct it and said his biggest strength was utilizing the remaining ingredients for risotto and gravy.

“The best feedback I got from it was when the chef said, ‘tasting your food is like a hug from grandma,’” he said.

The comment touched his heart because he grew up watching the show with his grandmother. The comment speaks to the legacy he hopes to leave behind.

“No matter what, my boys can always cut the TV on — any kids that I’ve mentored up to this point — friends and family can cut the TV on and they can see me, and they can see me be successful and actually get that win,” Sibert said.

Sibert recalled being “fussed at” on the show for his relaxed attitude but retained his composure even with high stakes.

“On the show, they really build suspense,” he said. “It’s a long day, especially if you make it like all the way to the finals. It’s a very long day.”

It wasn’t Sibert’s first TV appearance. In July 2023, he appeared on “Guy’s Grocery Games” hosted by Guy Fieri. He knew then he’d be back on the Food Network and hoped for “Chopped” or “Hell’s Kitchen.”

When he was asked to be on “Chopped,” Sibert had just sent his family to New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene. He considered for a moment whether to accept the invitation. With only 24 hours to respond, he consulted his close friends and family. They agreed the opportunity was too good to pass up.

“It sucked to leave everything behind in the shape that everything was left (in) when I left town,” he said. “But I was going to perform on ‘Chopped’ with the thoughts of South Carolina, North Carolina, and everybody else affected by the hurricane.”

City of Greer growing after council approves annexation

The City will add nearly five acres that are part of a planned housing development. GREENVILLE, S.C. (FOX Carolina) - Greer is growing by about five acres after members of the city council voted to approve an annexation request.The property is at 770 Brockman McClimon Road. It’s the same place where council members say that three years ago they did not allow warehouses to be built. The newly annexed land will join with five other properties that have already been rezoned for a proposed development. Officials say the dev...

The City will add nearly five acres that are part of a planned housing development.

GREENVILLE, S.C. (FOX Carolina) - Greer is growing by about five acres after members of the city council voted to approve an annexation request.

The property is at 770 Brockman McClimon Road. It’s the same place where council members say that three years ago they did not allow warehouses to be built. The newly annexed land will join with five other properties that have already been rezoned for a proposed development. Officials say the development would have about 163 units and this property would primarily feature amenities for the development.

City staff told council members that while South Carolina Department of Transportation officials and the City Engineer agree that there is not a traffic signal needed, they believe there will be a roundabout needed at some point in the future.

City staff also say that the developer agreed to complete a 30% design for the roundabout. They explained, “They would get the groundwork laid, so they would understand what amount of right of way they need for, to install it.”

They continued saying that because the developer wouldn’t be contributing most of the traffic to the intersection, it’s not fair for them to take on the full cost of the roundabout, but the question of who will be left footing the bill raised concerns from council members.

Council Member for District 2, Karuiam Booker said, “We don’t own either one of those roads, so I don’t see why the right of way aspect benefits us. It benefits the projects, but 30-percent plans, they could come back in five years and say roundabout is not the idea we need. We need a traffic signal.”

Council Member for District 3, Mark Hopper said, “We need a traffic signal there, so that, it is very concerning, and I am, again I’m certainly not a traffic engineer, but I’m, it’s beside me that somehow we’re not at the point to merit that.”

On the other side, Mayor Rick Danner said, “We’ve known since we started annexing in this area that, that intersection was going to be a choke-point.”

Council members Hopper and Albert voted against the annexation, but it passed. Council members Arrowood, Booker and Dumas, along with Mayor Danner voted in favor of approving the measure. One council member was not present and did not vote.

City staff say that construction for the development is expected to take about two years.

Copyright 2025 WHNS. All rights reserved.

The BEST List of 2025 Easter Egg Hunts: Greenville, SC

Are you looking for the perfect Easter Egg hunt in Greenville, Spartanburg, or Upstate, SC? We have an amazing list of egg hunts, Easter bunny photos, Easter farm events, crafts, and all sorts of kid-friendly 2025 Easter events in the Upstate SC area. Bookmark this list!Easter Egg Hunts in Greenville, SCEaster Egg Hunts in Spa...

Are you looking for the perfect Easter Egg hunt in Greenville, Spartanburg, or Upstate, SC? We have an amazing list of egg hunts, Easter bunny photos, Easter farm events, crafts, and all sorts of kid-friendly 2025 Easter events in the Upstate SC area. Bookmark this list!

Easter Egg Hunts in Greenville, SC

Easter Egg Hunts in Spartanburg, SC

Easter Bunny Photos in the Upstate

Easter Events for Special Needs

Travel: These Easter Events are Worth the Drive

Tips for Surviving the Annual Easter Egg Hunt

Want to know more about Things to Do this Easter in Greenville? Find all our fantastic Easter content on our Guide to Easter in Greenville.

**Egg Hunts will be cancelled or rescheduled due to inclement weather so be sure to check your intended egg hunt’s social media pages before heading out. We will do our best to update our list but we cannot guarantee we get to all of them that are changed if weather hampers the event.***

Greenville, SC Easter Egg Hunts

Searching for an Easter Egg Hunt in Greenville County for your kids? You found the right list! We are adding events to this list as information becomes available, so bookmark this page and check back often.

Heritage Park, 861 South Main Street, SimpsonvilleSaturday, April 5th, 2025 from 2-5 pm, The Great Egg Venture: Egg Hunt at Heritage Park. This is a free community event with inflatables and egg hunts, plus prizes.

Greer City ParkApril 12th, 2025 from 11 am – 1 pm, Eggtastic Easter Event at Greer City Park is back for 2025 with egg hunts, inflatables and more. Limited capacity so register online beforehand. Please bring your own bags. Each child can collect up to 10 eggs during their designated hunt.

Greenville, SCApril 12th, 2025, 2 pm – 4 pm, enjoy Easter egg hunts, food, games, inflateables, and even a petting zoo at this annual event at GFN’s Easter Jam.

Larkin’s Sawmill, Greenville, SCApril 20th, 2025, 10 am – 2 pm, This event fills up quickly, so reserve your brunch and egg hunt time soon. The event features an open buffet, egg hunts at 10:30 am, 12:15 pm, and 1:45 pm. Please bring your own Easter basket!

Spartanburg, SC Easter Egg Hunts

The Easter Bunny will be visiting Bass Pro Shop in Greenville this April 2025! You can visit with him and get a FREE printed photo with the Easter Bunny.

Visit with the Easter Bunny at Haywood Mall, dates TBD for 2025The Caring Bunny (a special opportunity for kids with special needs to get their photo in a sensory-friendly environment) date will be announced in March. Reservations are required for this special event.

The Great Smoky Mountian Railroad in Bryson City, NC is offering their Bunny Hopper Express train again in 2025. On April 18 – 20, 2025 at 11 am, you can ride the Bunny Hopper Express to the Bunny Trail. At this 1-and-a-half-hour layover, you’ll enjoy an Easter Egg hunt, live music, photos, and an Easter treat for kids at the layover.

Tickets are $35 to $132 depending on your choice of car, and complimentary for kids under in designated cars. Purchase Bunny Hopper Express tickets in advance. Many cars will likely sell out.

Top 5 Easter Egg Hunt Tips

What could go wrong at a fun event involving kids, candy, and the outdoors? I hope that I won’t shock any new parents out there, but the public egg hunt is not always all fun and games. It’s lots of fun but it can also result in tears from both kids and parents. Here are some of the top tips to help make the experience safe and enjoyable.

Different egg hunts have different rules and it’s smart to choose a hunt that fits your family’s age children and temperaments. For example, a fast, competitive child might thrive at a free-for-all egg hunt that’s every man for himself, but a shy child might find the same hunt frightening and leave without a single egg.

Find out . . . What are the rules for this egg hunt?

Beware of the hunts that allow parents to “help” kids. It’s not unheard of to watch fellow parents run toddlers over while they help their very capable preschooler fill an overflowing basket of eggs.

Easter is early-April this year which means the day could rapidly go from a cool early morning to a hot late morning or afternoon depending on the weather.

Make sure that you plan time to park. If your egg hunt has an age requirement for a specific time, your child will likely only be allowed to hunt at that time. If the hunt is large, plan at least 30 minutes for parking and registration before the hunt. Also pack snacks, water, extra clothes, and don’t forget the basket! You should always have a backup plan as well, just in case your kid’s basket ends up empty.

Be sure to go over your expectations of behavior before the craziness starts. Let your kids know that pushing, shoving, or taking other people’s eggs are a no-no.

In lieu (or in addition) to the big community hunt, consider planning your own private hunt with just your own kids or with your neighborhood or friends. Smaller hunts can allow for actual hiding (rather than just a bunch of eggs dumped in a field) and a smaller event can also be a fun chance to dye eggs and enjoy Easter games. It’s a simple event that the kids enjoy and it doesn’t involve tons of candy. With friends and family. Have fun!

Did your favorite egg hunt make our list? If we missed it, please share it in the comments below!


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