Car Accident Attorney inRoebuck, SC

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Cobb Hammett, LLC Fighting
for Your Rights in Roebuck, SC

When an accident comes without warning, even the most prepared person can fall victim. One moment, you're walking to a restaurant after a long day of work. The next moment, someone else's negligence and carelessness change your life forever. Personal injury victims aren't just the victims of negligence they suffer from pain, concern over family and ability to work. Often, these victims do not have the luxury of worrying about work and family, because they're clinging to life in an ER. Without a personal injury attorney in Roebuck, SC, by their side, they mistakenly provide official statements to insurance agencies and accept settlement offers that only account for a fraction of what they have lost.

If you have recently been hurt in an accident, you may be asking questions like:

  • "What happens now?"
  • "How will I pay for my hospital bills?"
  • "Will I get fired from my job?"
  • "Will I be able to function independently ever again?"

With more than 100,000 car accidents in South Carolina every year, we hear these questions every day. Our hearts hurt for those who are suffering due to no fault of their own. Accident victims are not only left with questions like those above; they're also forced to deal with costs associated with medical bills, car repair, follow-up appointments, and loss of income.

While reading these facts can be bleak, there is a silver lining. South Carolina law dictates that those who are found responsible for your pain and suffering may be obligated to pay for your expenses. Cobb Hammett, LLC exists for that exact reason to make sure that negligent parties are held accountable. We fight on your behalf to make sure you get the compensation you deserve. We aren't afraid to go toe-to-toe with greedy insurance agencies who do not have your best interests at heart.

Our overarching goal is to protect your rights, and our law firm is uniquely positioned to do so, with attorney Michael Dill's vast experience in the auto insurance industry.

Personal Injury Attorney Roebuck, SC
Service Areas

We offer comprehensive vehicle representation for a number of different automobile accidents, including:

  • Distracted Driving
  • Drunk Driving
  • Rollovers
  • Multi-Vehicle Accidents
  • Automobile Defects
  • Roadway Defects
  • Speeding
  • Reckless Driving
  • Uninsured Motorists or
    Underinsured Drivers
  • Rear-End Collisions
  • Car Rental Accidents
  • RV Accidents

If you know you have been involved in one of the car accidents above, the time to seek experienced representation is now. Generally, car accident victims have three years from the date of their injuries to file a personal injury claim in Roebuck. That time frame can be reduced in certain circumstances. When a wrongful death is involved, surviving family members must take action in a similar time frame.

The bottom line is that speed is of the essence in these cases. When we sit down with you to learn more about your accident, we will help you understand South Carolina law so that you are fully informed before taking legal action. The sooner we can dig into the details of your case, the sooner we can fight for your rights.

We Recover Compensation
When You Need It Most

The law states that personal injury victims are entitled to compensation for the full extent of their injuries. Why? Because the primary goal of injury compensation in Roebuck, SC, is to help the victim return to the state they would have been in, if the accident never occurred. In the literal sense, doing so isn't possible. The law cannot reverse the incredible suffering and pain that accompanies a severe injury. As such, personal injury victims are entitled to receive a financial reward that equals those damages.

How much compensation you get depends on the facts and nuances of your case. With that said, you may be able to recover compensation for the following needs:

  • Rehab-Related Expenses like
    Physical Therapy
  • All Medical Expenses
  • Pain and Suffering
  • Long-Term Disability
  • Lost Wages and Loss of
    Future Income Earning Ability
  • Disfigurement
  • Emotional Distress
  • Mental Anguish

If you or someone you love was recently injured in a car wreck, contact our office today to speak with a personal injury lawyer in Roebuck, SC. The sooner you call, the sooner we can begin fighting for your rights and the compensation you need.

 Personal Injury Lawyer Roebuck, SC The-Cobb-Dill-Hammett-Difference

What Our Clients Say

The Role of Negligence in Your
Roebuck Personal Injury Case

If there were one common truth that we can count on, it's that life is unpredictable. Sometimes, accidents just happen. However, when recklessness and negligence come into play in situations where accidents cause personal injuries, the negligent party can be held responsible under South Carolina law. For victims to have a chance at compensation, the party responsible for the accident must be proven to be negligent. When a party or parties are negligent, they fail to take appropriate care when performing an action, like driving an automobile.

 Car Accident Attorney Roebuck, SC
At Cobb Hammett, LLC, our team works to prove negligence
for our clients by proving:
  • The defendant had an obligation to look out for your safety.
  • The defendant did not uphold that duty.
  • There was causation between the defendant's breach of duty and the injuries you sustained.
  • You suffered real damages.

After an accident occurs, it is critical to take certain steps to help prove the responsible party's negligence and maximize the compensation you rightly deserve.

Steps to Maximize Compensation
After an Accident in Roebuck, SC

All too often, car wreck victims don't get the compensation they need because they failed to take the proper steps after their accident. Don't let this be you. By having comprehensive records of your car accident and its aftermath, you have a much better chance of protecting your rights and maximizing compensation for your bills and injuries. If you have been injured in an automobile accident in Roebuck, follow these steps before doing anything else:


Go to a Doctor

First and foremost, seek medical attention for any injuries that you have sustained. You might not realize it now, but your injuries may be more complex and serious than you think. Damage like head trauma and back injuries are not easy to diagnose on your own and sometimes take time to surface. A full medical examination will help reveal the extent of your injuries, lead to a quicker recovery, and help document the injuries you sustained. This last part is essential to prove the significance of your injuries.

 Law Firm Roebuck, SC

File an
Accident Report

The second step you should take is to report your injuries to the correct authorities. The authorities change depending on the circumstances of your accident. If you were involved in a car wreck in Roebuck, you should file your report with the highway authorities and any associated insurance agencies. Regardless of where you were injured and how the wreck occurred, the biggest takeaway here is to file a report. That way, you have an established, official record of the incident that can be referred to down the line.

Personal Injury Attorney Roebuck, SC

Preserve Evidence
if Possible

Personal injury cases in Roebuck are won with evidence. It might sound like the job of the police, but it's important that you try to secure any evidence that you can collect relating to your accident, especially if you are injured. Evidence in auto accident cases tends to disappear quickly. By preserving evidence soon after the accident, it can be used in court. For example, if you cannot get a witness statement immediately after your wreck, their testimony may come across as less reliable. Completing this task on your own can be quite difficult, especially after a serious accident. That's why it's so crucial to complete the last step below.

 Personal Injury Lawyer Roebuck, SC

Contact a Lawyer

One of the most intelligent, important steps you can take after a car accident is calling a personal injury attorney in Roebuck, SC. At Cobb Hammett, LLC, we will assist you with every step of your personal injury case to ensure that your rights are protected. That includes gathering all types of evidence relevant to your case. When we investigate your accident, we will determine the person who is liable for your losses. If there are multiple liable parties, we will hold each one accountable for their negligence.

Every personal injury case is different, which is why experience counts when it comes to car accident compensation. Our track record speaks for itself, but no number of past results will guarantee a perfect outcome. What we can guarantee, however, is our undivided attention and fierce dedication to your case, no matter the circumstances. Unlike other personal injury law firms in Roebuck, you can have peace of mind knowing your best interests always come first at Cobb Hammett, LLC.

 Car Accident Attorney Roebuck, SC

Common Car Accidents in
Roebuck, SC

At Cobb Hammett, LLC, we have years of experience handling some of Roebuck's most complicated car accident cases. Some of the most common cases that come across our desks include:

Drunk Driving Accidents

Drunk driving is a major problem in the Lowcountry. Drunk drivers are incredibly irresponsible and regularly cause fatal accidents because they drive physically and mentally impaired by alcohol. Drunk drivers have slower reaction times, delayed reflexes, and impaired vision, making them unfit to operate a motor vehicle. In auto wrecks, drunk drivers often come away with minor injuries compared to their victims, which is a bitter pill to swallow

Individuals who make a choice to drive drunk cause accidents by weaving in and out of traffic, going over the speed limit, failing to see pedestrians, and ignoring traffic laws. They may run cars off the road, rear-end vehicles, hit them head-on, or even cause a vehicle to roll over.

Drunk driving accidents in Roebuck care result in horrible injuries, such as:

  • Burns
  • Broken Bones
  • Head Injuries
  • Brain Trauma
  • Spinal Cord Injuries
  • Soft Tissue Injuries
  • Mental Anguish

If you are injured or have lost a family member due to an impaired or drunk driver, our team of personal injury lawyers in Roebuck can help. We have extensive experience with car accident cases and can explain your rights in simple, plain terms. It is important to know that you can file a personal injury suit regardless of the criminal case outcome against the drunk driver.

 Law Firm Roebuck, SC

Rental and RV Accidents

When accidents happen in RVs or rental cars, people are often unsure of their rights. This confusion is understandable since there are additional insurance and legal issues that must be accounted for in these cases.

Fortunately, the lawyers at Cobb Hammett, LLC, have the experience to help you with complex car accident and RV cases. Attorney Michael Dill worked in the auto insurance industry before becoming an attorney. He also has an undergraduate degree that includes a focus on risk management and insurance. When it comes to rental and RV accidents, we review each client's case with a fine-tooth comb. Once we understand your accident, our team will explain your rights and options in easy-to-understand terms.

If you were involved in an accident while driving an RV or a rental vehicle, you may find that your auto insurance company, the rental car's insurance company, and the other party's insurance carrier will try to deny your claim. Situations like these call for a bold, experienced personal injury attorney in Roebuck, SC, who isn't afraid of large corporations and insurance groups. We have extensive experience with insurance companies and know how to interpret policies. As your advocate, we will ensure that you receive the coverage and compensation you are entitled to, even if an insurance company says you aren't.

We can help you seek compensation in cases that involve:

  • Injuries from Boating Ac
  • Rental Cars Injuries
  • RV Accidents
  • Jet Ski Injuries
  • Golf Cart Injuries
  • Rental cars
  • Boat accidents
  • ATV Accidents

Victims of RV and rental car accidents (as well as their families) may be entitled to compensation for pain and suffering, medical expenses, and lost income or benefits. Our personal injury lawyers work with life-care planners, medical experts, and economists to determine the amount of compensation you will need.

Personal Injury Attorney Roebuck, SC

Texting While Driving and
Distracted Driving Accidents

We live in a time where just about everyone has their eyes glued to their phones. Often, this happens in situations where the person needs to be paying attention, like when they're driving an automobile. Taking a few moments to glance down at your phone can cause irreparable damage to other drivers. That is why texting while driving is illegal in Roebuck. Typically, this crime is met with a minor traffic violation. However, when a distracted driver injures another motorist, you can seek compensation through a legal suit. If you have been injured in such a situation, our team can help you hold the negligent driver accountable for your losses and damages.

Texting takes drivers' minds and eyes off the road and their hands off the wheel. Because they are not paying attention to their driving,

They miss crucial road signs and information such as:

  • Changes in the Flow
    of Traffic
  • Traffic Lights
  • Traffic Signs
  • Work Zones
  • Bicyclists
  • Lane Changes
  • Incapacitate Cars and

At Cobb Hammett, LLC, we represent injury victims in Roebuck who are involved in all types of car accidents, including distracted driving. We work with vigor to recover the full amount of compensation you and your family will need to recover. You can rely on our attorneys for dedicated, representation throughout your case. Unlike some distracted driving lawyers in Roebuck, we will assist you with all aspects of your accident, including access to good medical care if needed.

 Personal Injury Lawyer Roebuck, SC

Unflinching Legal Advocacy. Compassionate Care

At Cobb Hammett, LLC, we are proud of our commitment to our clients. We pledge to provide them with the highest quality legal representation in Roebuck and treat them with respect, empathy, and compassion. If you are suffering from the results of a dangerous car accident, know we are here to assist.

We will help you seek compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and additional losses. Surviving family members may also recover funeral expenses and compensation for the personal loss of a loved one, including the deceased's future income and benefits. When you or your family's health and financial security are on the line, trust the best choose Cobb Hammett, LLC.


Latest News in Roebuck, SC

Roebuck, Croft fire departments seek Spartanburg County OK to become 2nd merger in 3 years

Two fire departments with a long history of working together are planning to merge and become the second consolidation in Spartanburg County since 2018.Spartanburg County Council on Monday, Sept. 20, will consider the first reading of the planned merger between Roebuck and Croft fire departments, and the borrowing of $5 million by the Roebuck Fire District to assist in the merger.If approved after three readings, the legal name will be Roebuck Fire District, doing business as South Spartanburg Fire District. Admi...

Two fire departments with a long history of working together are planning to merge and become the second consolidation in Spartanburg County since 2018.

Spartanburg County Council on Monday, Sept. 20, will consider the first reading of the planned merger between Roebuck and Croft fire departments, and the borrowing of $5 million by the Roebuck Fire District to assist in the merger.

If approved after three readings, the legal name will be Roebuck Fire District, doing business as South Spartanburg Fire District. Administrative offices will be at the Roebuck fire station on Southport Road. The combined districts will cover 44 square miles.

The new department would become the first since Trinity Fire Department in southern Spartanburg County was formed in 2018 as a merger between Enoree, Hobbysville and Cross Anchor, with Woodruff joining the following year.

The Spartanburg County Legislative Delegation already gave its approval of the planned Roebuck-Croft merger. All that's left is county council approval.

Croft was formed in 1956 and declared a special purpose district by the state legislature in 1960. Roebuck was formed in 1957 and declared a special purpose district by the legislature in 1958.

"We just felt it was time to do it," said Roebuck Fire Chief Brian Harvey. "It will streamline our purchasing and give us a lot more staffing options. We will use the same equipment."

Harvey and Croft Fire Chief Ryan Eubanks will be co-chiefs of the new department.

Both said the merger has been in the discussion stages for years, and that their firefighters, as well as others in the county, support it.

"After gathering input, it became apparent that this was the way to go," said Eubanks, who succeeded the recently retired Lewis Hayes. "We've streamlined, moved resources around, shared staffing and equipment, eliminated redundancies, and there's more of that to come."

New tax rate

The merger will bring about a new fire tax rate. Roebuck's is now 29 mills, and Croft's is 32.9 mills – 27.5 for operations and 5.4 mills for debt service.

The new rate will likely be 31.5 mills – 29 for operations and 2.5 for debt, according to Eubanks.

"For the Croft taxpayer, it will be about the same, and a little increase for Roebuck," he said.

The taxpayer pays $8 per mill for each $100,000 of assessed property value, he said. So a 2.5-mill increase on a $200,000 property will cost a taxpayer $40 more a year.

"We don't want to increase taxes," he said. "But we also have to recognize it takes dollars to run our service. We're going to be prudent about that number."

A couple years ago, Croft District borrowed $2 million to buy two new fire trucks, resulting in the 5.4-mill debt service tax.

"For taxpayers, we've been operating like one department," Eubanks said. "They will never see anything change. They will be getting the same fire protection."

Joint operations

Roebuck Station 1 on Stone Station Road houses two engines, a tanker, a rescue, brush unit and command vehicle. Station 2 on Southport Road is manned with Croft and houses an engine.

The Croft station is on Cedar Springs Road and houses six pumpers and two ladder trucks.

The Roebuck Station 2 on Southport Road has been jointly operated by Roebuck and Croft since 2011 when the former Arkwright fire district was consolidated into Roebuck and Croft. That station has a battalion chief and three firefighters.

Roebuck has 13 paid firefighters, 15 volunteers and provides 24/7 service. Croft has 13 paid firefighters and one volunteer, also providing 24/7 service.

Between the two stations, the departments respond to more than 2,000 calls a year – many for vehicle crashes and assist calls from neighboring districts.

Both departments have operated jointly since 2011, when the former Arkwright Area Fire District disbanded and Roebuck and Croft absorbed the Arkwright coverage area.

Growth strains departments

For several years, fire chiefs in many of the 35 departments countywide have complained about a lack of finances and dwindling volunteer manpower to keep up with the demands brought by growth in Spartanburg County.

Some have been able to increase their millage rates, but to do so requires a voter referendum. In many cases, voters reject the referendum.

Mergers recommended:Study recommends consolidation or mergers of fire departments in Spartanburg County

In August 2020, voters in the Cherokee Springs Fire District rejected a referendum asking them to approve borrowing $5.5 million for a new, larger fire station. The vote was 77% against and 23% for. If approved, the tax rate would have gone up by 10 mills.

Last year, a consulting firm presented a study to the county's Fire Prevention and Protection Advisory Committee recommending merging or consolidating fire departments as a way to streamline costs.

Chris Massey, who is director of the Emergency Services Academy in Duncan, is filling in with his second stint as chief of the Trinity Fire Department while the county searches for a full-time chief.

He said he's already seen the benefits of that merger of four departments in the southern end of the county, covering roughly 140 square miles.

"It's definitely improved response times," Massey said. "It's operating like a fire department, 24/7, with four full-time and an assistant chief part-time."

Harvey said his Roebuck district has seen a lot of growth with residential and some industrial development in recent years, which brings in more tax revenues, but it also brings higher call volume and stretches resources.

"Manpower in every fire district is the Achilles heal right now," he said.

Looking forward, Harvey and Eubanks said if they get county council approval, they hope the consolidation will take effect Jan. 1.

"I hope this mentality spreads across the county," Eubanks said. "You're going to be able to eliminate a lot of redundancies, (equipment) replacements – all at a benefit to the taxpayer. You need to take a wholesystems approach and stop looking at individual silos of our organizations, and look at a countywide picture."

Contact Bob Montgomery at

Discover the Largest High School in South Carolina (And Notable Alums)

High school is a transformative period. It’s a time of self-discovery, academic growth, and the forging of lifelong friendships. Students navigate an array of subjects, play sports, and engage in extracurricular activities that define their interests and passions. Socially, high school is where individuals form their identities, learn life skills, and face challenges. It’s a period filled with milestones, like prom and graduation. The 3,500 students who attend Dorman High School in Spartanburg County are living t...

High school is a transformative period. It’s a time of self-discovery, academic growth, and the forging of lifelong friendships. Students navigate an array of subjects, play sports, and engage in extracurricular activities that define their interests and passions. Socially, high school is where individuals form their identities, learn life skills, and face challenges. It’s a period filled with milestones, like prom and graduation. The 3,500 students who attend Dorman High School in Spartanburg County are living this reality every day. Continue reading as we discover the largest high school in South Carolina and its notable alums.

Paul M. Dorman High School at a Glance

Roebuck, South Carolina

Roebuck (pop. 2,768) is an unincorporated community located in Spartanburg County, South Carolina. It was named after the Roebuck family, who were early settlers in the area. Roebuck is home to Dorman High School, the largest high school in South Carolina. Roebuck is a suburb of Spartanburg. Many residents of Roebuck commute to Spartanburg for work, shopping, and other amenities. The community of Roebuck is largely residential, and its character is closely tied to its relationship with the larger city of Spartanburg.

Spartanburg County, South Carolina

Spartanburg (pop. 38,401), located in the northwestern part of South Carolina, was named after a local militia called the Spartan Regiment. The regiment fought in the American Revolutionary War. Spartanburg played a significant role in textile production during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. As the textile industry declined, Spartanburg’s economy diversified. Today it is home to several major corporations and industries, including BMW which has a significant presence in the area. The city has become a hub for manufacturing, healthcare, and education. Spartanburg is home to several colleges and universities, including Wofford College and the University of South Carolina Upstate.

The city offers a range of cultural attractions, including museums, theaters, and music venues. The Chapman Cultural Center is a focal point for the arts in Spartanburg, featuring galleries, performance spaces, and cultural organizations. The region around Spartanburg provides ample opportunities to enjoy the outdoors. Nearby natural attractions include the Blue Ridge Mountains, and Francis Marion and Sumter National Forests. Spartanburg is home to the Carolina Panthers’ NFL training camp at Wofford College during the summer, attracting football fans from across the country.

Dorman High

Paul M. Dorman High School opened its doors in the fall of 1964. The original building contained 15 classrooms, a study hall, a cafeteria, and a gymnasium which could accommodate up to 2,000 spectators. By the turn of the 21st century, the need for a larger and more modern campus became apparent. In 2004, the new campus opened its doors. A separate freshman academy welcomes approximately 1,000 9th graders, bridging their transition from middle school to high school. The freshman campus has 34 classrooms and:

Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors have their own building complete with 79 state-of-the-art classrooms, as well as:

The new campus was built with an eye toward continuing the foundation of excellence created in the 20th century through the 21st century.

Academics at Dorman High School

The academics offered at Dorman are designed to meet the needs of a changing and growing world. From remedial classes to Advanced Placement (AP) courses, offerings at Dorman run the gamut. From technical, college preparatory, and honors level courses, students choose their areas of study. If they are not available, programs are designed to meet the needs and talents of individual students. Students can focus on fine arts or business and technology. There are dual-enrollment options for college-bound students. Dorman also has a four-year Junior Reserve Offices Training Corps (JROTC) program. Cadets who successfully complete the program are eligible for college scholarships. Those who choose to enlist in the military, enter at a higher rank.


A successful high school balances academics and athletics. While academics develop the mind, athletics develop the physical body, teach cooperation and teamwork, and forge lasting friendships. Dorman High values its athletics and its athletes. The school offers all of the usual high school sports like baseball, basketball, football, lacrosse, soccer, swimming, track and field, tennis, and wrestling. And the not-so-usual bass fishing. From securing the state baseball championship in 1970 to bringing home the state boys’ basketball championship in 2023, Dorman has garnered over 50- fifty!! state championships. The school’s teams are called the Cavaliers, and their colors are navy, Columbia blue, and white.

Extracurriculars at Dorman High

While academics and athletics provide for mental and physical growth, clubs and extracurriculars allow students to discover their special talents and passions. The largest high school in South Carolina offers students 40+ clubs and activities from which to choose. From E-Sports and Chemistry Club to Ethics Bowl and Songwriting Club, students have plenty of choices.

Notable Alums

Dorman High School has a rich history of producing notable alumni who have left an indelible mark in the world of athletics. From football players to basketball players and golfers, Dorman’s sports programs have consistently nurtured talent. The school has also produced other talents including writers, musicians, and politicians. Herewith is a list of Dorman’s notable alums:

The photo featured at the top of this post is © Kevin Ruck/

Judge will wait for blood results before making bond decision for Caleb Kennedy

Caleb Andrew Kennedy, 17, from Roebuck, is being charged with felony DUI resulting in death Infinite Scroll Enabled GET LOCAL BREAKING NEWS ALERTSThe latest breaking updates, delivered straight to your email inbox.Your Email AddressPrivacy Notice SPARTANBURG, S.C. —Caleb Kennedy, the former "American Idol" contestant charged with DUI in a deadly crash in...

Caleb Andrew Kennedy, 17, from Roebuck, is being charged with felony DUI resulting in death

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Caleb Kennedy, the former "American Idol" contestant charged with DUI in a deadly crash in South Carolina, will stay in jail for now.

Kennedy, 17, from Roebuck, has been in jail since the Feb. 8 crash. He went before a circuit court judge Thursday morning.


Caleb Kennedy

Kennedy cried and was emotional as the solicitor and his lawyer spoke about him hitting 54-year-old Larry Parris with his truck while Parris was standing in his driveway.


Larry Parris

An arrest warrant said Kennedy was "driving a vehicle in the state of South Carolina on a private property under the influence of drugs (marijuana) as a result he struck the building with a victim inside and hit (him) causing death."

Solicitor Barry Barnette Kennedy told law enforcement that he took a hit from a friend's vape pen before the crash.


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Kennedy's attorney, Ryan Beasley, had previously said Kennedy was on medication at the time of the crash.

In court on Thursday, Beasley said Kennedy was recently prescribed Prozac and doctors recently doubled his prescription.

"He had some bad reaction and got lost on the way to his girlfriend's house and randomly wrecked down this dirt road into someone's garage and unfortunately Mr. Parris was in the garage," Beasley said.

Beasley asked for bond for his client.

Parris' daughter, Kelsi Parris Harvell, made an emotional plea to the judge to deny bond.

“For two weeks now I’ve laid down at night and closed my eyes only to see and hear the same things over and over again," Harvell said. "My daddy laying in his own shop moaning and groaning and hollering with a stranger. A stranger that wasn’t calling 911 or even calling for help. Just sitting there with a blank look on his face.”

She went on to say “I hear my screams begging for him to look at me and stay awake. I hear the firefighters cutting the door to get in there to him. I hear the surgeon telling us he’s not going to survive.”

The judge decided to continue the hearing after granting the solicitor's request for Kennedy's blood results from the day of the crash.

Those results will be released by the State Law Enforcement Division. No timeline for the release was given.

Beasley argued with the judge about the ruling but the judge did not change his mind.

"It’s unfair to this kid to be sitting in jail for months on a backlog with SLED," Beasley said. "The fact that a magistrate down in a jail didn’t do his job anyway instead of bond.. I’m just sorry judge. I’m standing up just saying a bond should be set today. It’s ridiculous. Just because they don’t have their act together should not penalize us.”

Kennedy was a finalist on "American Idol" in 2021 before removing himself after a video showed him "sitting next to someone wearing a Klan-like hood."

12 Magnificent Hidden Gems To Discover In South Carolina This Year

Did you know trying new things and taking on challenges makes you stronger and happier? That’s what they say! In order to help you out with this, we’ve got some hidden gems in South Carolina for you to check out throughout this coming year – in fact, we’ve picked out one for each month.AdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementAdvertisementThe...

Did you know trying new things and taking on challenges makes you stronger and happier? That’s what they say! In order to help you out with this, we’ve got some hidden gems in South Carolina for you to check out throughout this coming year – in fact, we’ve picked out one for each month.






These South Carolina hidden gems will keep you busy all year long! No matter the season, there’s so much to do and see across the beautiful Palmetto State.

Ready to try some more of the best hidden gems in South Carolina? Have you been to the treehouse restaurant in South Carolina that’s like a fairytale? There’s another hidden gem for ya!

Do you have any favorite hidden gem spots in South Carolina that aren’t on this list? Feel free to reach out to us and tell us all about them!

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Who is Caleb Kennedy? SC teen on ‘American Idol’ is making his small town proud

Rudy Blanton’s knees cramped up while he was working under a deck one day, so he asked his grandson to hand him a “hickey and two screws.”“That sounds like a country song,” the grandson said as they laughed and laughed.Then it was.That grandson is 16-year-old Caleb Kennedy from the tiny Upstate South Carolina community of Roebuck.He’s a top 12 finalist on the iconic television show “American Idol,” where judges have heaped praise on Kennedy, not only for his singing ...

Rudy Blanton’s knees cramped up while he was working under a deck one day, so he asked his grandson to hand him a “hickey and two screws.”

“That sounds like a country song,” the grandson said as they laughed and laughed.

Then it was.

That grandson is 16-year-old Caleb Kennedy from the tiny Upstate South Carolina community of Roebuck.

He’s a top 12 finalist on the iconic television show “American Idol,” where judges have heaped praise on Kennedy, not only for his singing but also for his songwriting.

He performed his original song “Nowhere” on a recent show, and country star and “Idol” judge Luke Bryan thought it was so good he wondered who helped him write it.

No one, Kennedy responded.

“The talent is there,” Blanton said of his grandson. “It’s part of God’s plan.”

Roebuck isn’t a town per se, but a census tract, located just south of Spartanburg. There’s no downtown, but a line of fix-it shops, strip malls and a bank along state Highway 221. The crush of apartment complexes and subdivisions seen near Spartanburg and neighboring Greenville have not reached Roebuck. It’s a place of brick ranch homes and pine and hardwood forests and a population of about 2,300.


Cindy White, who lives next door to Kennedy and his mother, Anita Guy, said Roebuck is the kind of place where everybody either knows everybody or knows someone who does.

“We just got an Arby’s and Zaxby’s, but we need a McDonald’s and a Chick-fil-A,” she said.

People move to Roebuck and stay, she said.

“Godly people,” White said.

She’s known Kennedy since he was born.

“We’re all so proud of him,” she said.

Her daughter, Erica Thompson, who was just stopping by her mother’s Thursday morning, said, “He’s ours.”

They remember hearing him play the trumpet when he was in middle school band, but hearing him sing and play the guitar was even more enjoyable.

When Kennedy was making an audition tape for “American Idol,” White and her grandchildren listened from her bathroom window.

Kennedy’s grandmother Barbara Blanton or Nana to him said he bought his first guitar with money he got from family members on his 13th birthday. He used his cellphone to learn chords.

“Papa” Rudy Blanton said they took Kennedy for guitar lessons, and the teacher said he knew more than they did.

His talent ran so deep he could hear a song and play it. Then he started hearing his own songs. One he wrote was called “That’s My Papa.” It’s a tribute to Blanton and includes the hickey line. After Kennedy’s parents divorced, Blanton became a major figure in the young man’s life.

Blanton, a carpenter, said he’d take his grandson with him to jobs, and Kennedy spent time with him and Barbara after school while his mother, who works two jobs, worked.

For a time, Kennedy wanted to be a carpenter, too.

“Then the guitar struck,” Blanton said.

“My little ole buddy standing up on that stage is a wonderful thing,” he said. “It’s an amazing story.”

Hannah Bynum’s favorite memory of her brother is the almost daily rides through the South Carolina countryside after school in her Chevy Equinox listening to country music on Spotify.


“We’d roll all the windows down and escape from everything,” said Bynum.

Hannah and the little brother she calls Bubba especially liked Jason Aldean. And so it was a particular thrill when Kennedy was paired with Aldean for some coaching and a duet of “Fly Over States” on “American Idol.”

“That couldn’t have worked out any better for him,” she said.

Afterwards her brother called and asked if she would be ready for a phone call in 20 minutes. The producers wanted to tape him talking to her. The phone rang. She answered.

It was Aldean.

“I’m just out here in Hollywood hanging out with your brother,” she remembers him saying.

“I didn’t know what to say,” Bynum said. “It was just crazy.”

The siblings also spent hours at Guitar Center in Spartanburg, where Kennedy would pull guitar after guitar from the wall and play.

“He does stuff like that, like nobody’s watching. I knew this was going to get big,” said Bynum, who is married and lives in Savannah.

Drew Spencer, who runs the house band at FR8yard in Spartanburg, where Kennedy played just about every open mic night for the past few years, said he started attracting an audience immediately.

Kennedy would have an original song to perform about every week, Spencer said.

Once, he saw Kennedy write a song while waiting to perform, then get up and sing it.

“From day one, I could hear his songs on modern country radio stations,” said Spencer, who will soon be touring as the lead electric guitar player for the band Blackfoot.

Spencer said Kennedy’s songs have a depth to them way beyond what anyone could imagine a teenager could write.

“The melody, chord progression, structure,” he said. “I think the kid was just born with it.”

Spencer and others said they see the deep connection between Kennedy and his mother, who arranged all his gigs.

One show featured a conversation between him, his mother and stepfather. He ended by saying, “I love you.”

Thomas Thornton, the children’s minister at Woodruff Church of God, where Kennedy and his family are members, said he has known Kennedy since he was a small child. In fact, he and his wife looked after the boy while his mother worked.


“He has a very giving heart,” Thornton said. “He’s always been very plugged into church.”

Kennedy steps up where needed, whether it’s a role in a Christmas play or planting blueberry bushes for older church members.

Once, he was shy.

“He’s broken out of his shell,” Thornton said, noting the ease with which Kennedy has performed on national television.

He said he’s proud of the way Caleb has overcome obstacles and followed his dreams.

“It’s only going to get better,” Thornton said.

Kennedy attends Dorman High School, which has a student population bigger than all of Roebuck.

The school has gone all out in supporting and encouraging his “Idol” run, making a video, posters, writing him letters. There’s a “vote for Caleb” sign — contestants earn the right to stay on the show by viewers’ calls — at every entrance.

“People keep taking them,” said principal Bryant Roberson, laughing. But school officials just add another.

Robeson described Kennedy as a “down-to-earth kid.”

“You couldn’t ask for a better student,” he said.

Last year, as a freshman, Kennedy played junior varsity football.

Certainly in the Upstate if not the entire state, Dorman is known for its football prowess, with more than a few players going on to the NFL.

Daniel Wyatt, one of the football coaches, said during summer drills Kennedy, an offensive lineman, was grouped with wide receivers and defensive backs due to COVID-19 restrictions.

They all did the same drills whether they pertained to their positions or not.

“Caleb put forth great effort. He did all the things we asked,” Wyatt said.

By the end, the coaches were impressed and just knew he was going to be one of their better players.

Then came “American Idol.”

Kennedy told them he was going to have to give up football, Wyatt said, describing it as a “very good decision.”

“He needs to chase his dream,” Wyatt said.

American Idol airs at 8 p.m. Sunday and Monday on ABC.

This story was originally published April 18, 2021, 6:00 AM.


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