Car Accident Attorney inKiawah Island, SC

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Cobb Hammett, LLC Fighting
for Your Rights in Kiawah Island, SC

When an accident comes without warning, even the most prepared person can fall victim. One moment, you're walking to a restaurant after a long day of work. The next moment, someone else's negligence and carelessness change your life forever. Personal injury victims aren't just the victims of negligence they suffer from pain, concern over family and ability to work. Often, these victims do not have the luxury of worrying about work and family, because they're clinging to life in an ER. Without a personal injury attorney in Kiawah Island, SC, by their side, they mistakenly provide official statements to insurance agencies and accept settlement offers that only account for a fraction of what they have lost.

If you have recently been hurt in an accident, you may be asking questions like:

  • "What happens now?"
  • "How will I pay for my hospital bills?"
  • "Will I get fired from my job?"
  • "Will I be able to function independently ever again?"

With more than 100,000 car accidents in South Carolina every year, we hear these questions every day. Our hearts hurt for those who are suffering due to no fault of their own. Accident victims are not only left with questions like those above; they're also forced to deal with costs associated with medical bills, car repair, follow-up appointments, and loss of income.

While reading these facts can be bleak, there is a silver lining. South Carolina law dictates that those who are found responsible for your pain and suffering may be obligated to pay for your expenses. Cobb Hammett, LLC exists for that exact reason to make sure that negligent parties are held accountable. We fight on your behalf to make sure you get the compensation you deserve. We aren't afraid to go toe-to-toe with greedy insurance agencies who do not have your best interests at heart.

Our overarching goal is to protect your rights, and our law firm is uniquely positioned to do so, with attorney Michael Dill's vast experience in the auto insurance industry.

Personal Injury Attorney Kiawah Island, SC
Service Areas

We offer comprehensive vehicle representation for a number of different automobile accidents, including:

  • Distracted Driving
  • Drunk Driving
  • Rollovers
  • Multi-Vehicle Accidents
  • Automobile Defects
  • Roadway Defects
  • Speeding
  • Reckless Driving
  • Uninsured Motorists or
    Underinsured Drivers
  • Rear-End Collisions
  • Car Rental Accidents
  • RV Accidents

If you know you have been involved in one of the car accidents above, the time to seek experienced representation is now. Generally, car accident victims have three years from the date of their injuries to file a personal injury claim in Kiawah Island. That time frame can be reduced in certain circumstances. When a wrongful death is involved, surviving family members must take action in a similar time frame.

The bottom line is that speed is of the essence in these cases. When we sit down with you to learn more about your accident, we will help you understand South Carolina law so that you are fully informed before taking legal action. The sooner we can dig into the details of your case, the sooner we can fight for your rights.

We Recover Compensation
When You Need It Most

The law states that personal injury victims are entitled to compensation for the full extent of their injuries. Why? Because the primary goal of injury compensation in Kiawah Island, SC, is to help the victim return to the state they would have been in, if the accident never occurred. In the literal sense, doing so isn't possible. The law cannot reverse the incredible suffering and pain that accompanies a severe injury. As such, personal injury victims are entitled to receive a financial reward that equals those damages.

How much compensation you get depends on the facts and nuances of your case. With that said, you may be able to recover compensation for the following needs:

  • Rehab-Related Expenses like
    Physical Therapy
  • All Medical Expenses
  • Pain and Suffering
  • Long-Term Disability
  • Lost Wages and Loss of
    Future Income Earning Ability
  • Disfigurement
  • Emotional Distress
  • Mental Anguish

If you or someone you love was recently injured in a car wreck, contact our office today to speak with a personal injury lawyer in Kiawah Island, SC. The sooner you call, the sooner we can begin fighting for your rights and the compensation you need.

 Personal Injury Lawyer Kiawah Island, SC The-Cobb-Dill-Hammett-Difference

What Our Clients Say

The Role of Negligence in Your
Kiawah Island Personal Injury Case

If there were one common truth that we can count on, it's that life is unpredictable. Sometimes, accidents just happen. However, when recklessness and negligence come into play in situations where accidents cause personal injuries, the negligent party can be held responsible under South Carolina law. For victims to have a chance at compensation, the party responsible for the accident must be proven to be negligent. When a party or parties are negligent, they fail to take appropriate care when performing an action, like driving an automobile.

 Car Accident Attorney Kiawah Island, SC
At Cobb Hammett, LLC, our team works to prove negligence
for our clients by proving:
  • The defendant had an obligation to look out for your safety.
  • The defendant did not uphold that duty.
  • There was causation between the defendant's breach of duty and the injuries you sustained.
  • You suffered real damages.

After an accident occurs, it is critical to take certain steps to help prove the responsible party's negligence and maximize the compensation you rightly deserve.

Steps to Maximize Compensation
After an Accident in Kiawah Island, SC

All too often, car wreck victims don't get the compensation they need because they failed to take the proper steps after their accident. Don't let this be you. By having comprehensive records of your car accident and its aftermath, you have a much better chance of protecting your rights and maximizing compensation for your bills and injuries. If you have been injured in an automobile accident in Kiawah Island, follow these steps before doing anything else:


Go to a Doctor

First and foremost, seek medical attention for any injuries that you have sustained. You might not realize it now, but your injuries may be more complex and serious than you think. Damage like head trauma and back injuries are not easy to diagnose on your own and sometimes take time to surface. A full medical examination will help reveal the extent of your injuries, lead to a quicker recovery, and help document the injuries you sustained. This last part is essential to prove the significance of your injuries.

 Law Firm Kiawah Island, SC

File an
Accident Report

The second step you should take is to report your injuries to the correct authorities. The authorities change depending on the circumstances of your accident. If you were involved in a car wreck in Kiawah Island, you should file your report with the highway authorities and any associated insurance agencies. Regardless of where you were injured and how the wreck occurred, the biggest takeaway here is to file a report. That way, you have an established, official record of the incident that can be referred to down the line.

Personal Injury Attorney Kiawah Island, SC

Preserve Evidence
if Possible

Personal injury cases in Kiawah Island are won with evidence. It might sound like the job of the police, but it's important that you try to secure any evidence that you can collect relating to your accident, especially if you are injured. Evidence in auto accident cases tends to disappear quickly. By preserving evidence soon after the accident, it can be used in court. For example, if you cannot get a witness statement immediately after your wreck, their testimony may come across as less reliable. Completing this task on your own can be quite difficult, especially after a serious accident. That's why it's so crucial to complete the last step below.

 Personal Injury Lawyer Kiawah Island, SC

Contact a Lawyer

One of the most intelligent, important steps you can take after a car accident is calling a personal injury attorney in Kiawah Island, SC. At Cobb Hammett, LLC, we will assist you with every step of your personal injury case to ensure that your rights are protected. That includes gathering all types of evidence relevant to your case. When we investigate your accident, we will determine the person who is liable for your losses. If there are multiple liable parties, we will hold each one accountable for their negligence.

Every personal injury case is different, which is why experience counts when it comes to car accident compensation. Our track record speaks for itself, but no number of past results will guarantee a perfect outcome. What we can guarantee, however, is our undivided attention and fierce dedication to your case, no matter the circumstances. Unlike other personal injury law firms in Kiawah Island, you can have peace of mind knowing your best interests always come first at Cobb Hammett, LLC.

 Car Accident Attorney Kiawah Island, SC

Common Car Accidents in
Kiawah Island, SC

At Cobb Hammett, LLC, we have years of experience handling some of Kiawah Island's most complicated car accident cases. Some of the most common cases that come across our desks include:

Drunk Driving Accidents

Drunk driving is a major problem in the Lowcountry. Drunk drivers are incredibly irresponsible and regularly cause fatal accidents because they drive physically and mentally impaired by alcohol. Drunk drivers have slower reaction times, delayed reflexes, and impaired vision, making them unfit to operate a motor vehicle. In auto wrecks, drunk drivers often come away with minor injuries compared to their victims, which is a bitter pill to swallow

Individuals who make a choice to drive drunk cause accidents by weaving in and out of traffic, going over the speed limit, failing to see pedestrians, and ignoring traffic laws. They may run cars off the road, rear-end vehicles, hit them head-on, or even cause a vehicle to roll over.

Drunk driving accidents in Kiawah Island care result in horrible injuries, such as:

  • Burns
  • Broken Bones
  • Head Injuries
  • Brain Trauma
  • Spinal Cord Injuries
  • Soft Tissue Injuries
  • Mental Anguish

If you are injured or have lost a family member due to an impaired or drunk driver, our team of personal injury lawyers in Kiawah Island can help. We have extensive experience with car accident cases and can explain your rights in simple, plain terms. It is important to know that you can file a personal injury suit regardless of the criminal case outcome against the drunk driver.

 Law Firm Kiawah Island, SC

Rental and RV Accidents

When accidents happen in RVs or rental cars, people are often unsure of their rights. This confusion is understandable since there are additional insurance and legal issues that must be accounted for in these cases.

Fortunately, the lawyers at Cobb Hammett, LLC, have the experience to help you with complex car accident and RV cases. Attorney Michael Dill worked in the auto insurance industry before becoming an attorney. He also has an undergraduate degree that includes a focus on risk management and insurance. When it comes to rental and RV accidents, we review each client's case with a fine-tooth comb. Once we understand your accident, our team will explain your rights and options in easy-to-understand terms.

If you were involved in an accident while driving an RV or a rental vehicle, you may find that your auto insurance company, the rental car's insurance company, and the other party's insurance carrier will try to deny your claim. Situations like these call for a bold, experienced personal injury attorney in Kiawah Island, SC, who isn't afraid of large corporations and insurance groups. We have extensive experience with insurance companies and know how to interpret policies. As your advocate, we will ensure that you receive the coverage and compensation you are entitled to, even if an insurance company says you aren't.

We can help you seek compensation in cases that involve:

  • Injuries from Boating Ac
  • Rental Cars Injuries
  • RV Accidents
  • Jet Ski Injuries
  • Golf Cart Injuries
  • Rental cars
  • Boat accidents
  • ATV Accidents

Victims of RV and rental car accidents (as well as their families) may be entitled to compensation for pain and suffering, medical expenses, and lost income or benefits. Our personal injury lawyers work with life-care planners, medical experts, and economists to determine the amount of compensation you will need.

Personal Injury Attorney Kiawah Island, SC

Texting While Driving and
Distracted Driving Accidents

We live in a time where just about everyone has their eyes glued to their phones. Often, this happens in situations where the person needs to be paying attention, like when they're driving an automobile. Taking a few moments to glance down at your phone can cause irreparable damage to other drivers. That is why texting while driving is illegal in Kiawah Island. Typically, this crime is met with a minor traffic violation. However, when a distracted driver injures another motorist, you can seek compensation through a legal suit. If you have been injured in such a situation, our team can help you hold the negligent driver accountable for your losses and damages.

Texting takes drivers' minds and eyes off the road and their hands off the wheel. Because they are not paying attention to their driving,

They miss crucial road signs and information such as:

  • Changes in the Flow
    of Traffic
  • Traffic Lights
  • Traffic Signs
  • Work Zones
  • Bicyclists
  • Lane Changes
  • Incapacitate Cars and

At Cobb Hammett, LLC, we represent injury victims in Kiawah Island who are involved in all types of car accidents, including distracted driving. We work with vigor to recover the full amount of compensation you and your family will need to recover. You can rely on our attorneys for dedicated, representation throughout your case. Unlike some distracted driving lawyers in Kiawah Island, we will assist you with all aspects of your accident, including access to good medical care if needed.

 Personal Injury Lawyer Kiawah Island, SC

Unflinching Legal Advocacy. Compassionate Care

At Cobb Hammett, LLC, we are proud of our commitment to our clients. We pledge to provide them with the highest quality legal representation in Kiawah Island and treat them with respect, empathy, and compassion. If you are suffering from the results of a dangerous car accident, know we are here to assist.

We will help you seek compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and additional losses. Surviving family members may also recover funeral expenses and compensation for the personal loss of a loved one, including the deceased's future income and benefits. When you or your family's health and financial security are on the line, trust the best choose Cobb Hammett, LLC.


Latest News in Kiawah Island, SC

The Secret Tropical Beach In South Carolina Where The Water Is A Mesmerizing Blue

The beaches along the 187 miles of South Carolina coastline all offer up individual characteristics to love. Whether you're seeking a campground on the beach, a fun ...

The beaches along the 187 miles of South Carolina coastline all offer up individual characteristics to love. Whether you're seeking a campground on the beach, a fun pier to enjoy some fishing, or in this case, a tropical beach with the clearest water in South Carolina, you're going to find it here in the Palmetto State.

One of our favorite blue-water beaches is little known simply because it's located on an island that is considered to be exclusive.

In fact, most South Carolinians don't realize that Kiawah Island even has a public beach!

Or that the beach is as wide as it is and filled with soft, white sand.

Kiawah Island has some of the whitest sand on the entire South Carolina coast. It also has some of the bluest waters too. The location of Kiawah's Beachwalker Park is on the South end of the island, where the coastline is recessed a bit allowing for those murkish waters to the north to sweep right on by — slightly off the coast.

As a result, the sand stays a more pristine white and the waters are less filled with sediment churned up from underneath the surface.

Perhaps part of the misconception of South Carolina's lost blue water beach stems from a belief that you have to be a guest on Kiawah Island to access all of the beaches. But nothing could be further from the truth. There are no gates in which to pass through to get onto Kiawah Island, so no pass is required.

And the only requirement to use the public beach at Beachwalker County Park is to get there before the parking lot fills up, and pay the daily parking fee.

Parking fees vary by day and by season, but currently range from $5-$20 per vehicle, per day. You'll find more info in the hours and fees section of the Kiawah Beachwalker Park webpage.

The park is located on a narrow strip of Kiawah island and has both beach and backwater access.

The back side is an ideal spot for picnicking and for launching a kayak. You'll be pleasantly surprised to learn the tidal waters in the Kiawah River on the backside of the park are also a dreamy blue!

So how about it? Now that you know about this 'lost' and little-known Charleston County Park and the extra blue water will you be able to fit it into your plans before the end of the season?

Kiawah Beachwalker Park is open year-round. However, beach rentals and lifeguards may be seasonal. The hours vary by season and are January - April 10:00 a.m. - Sunset; May - Labor Day 9:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.; September - December 10:00 a.m. - Sunset. Restrooms and changing facilities are provided. There is no entry fee for the park, however, a daily parking fee is charged, and once the lot is completely filled you may be ticketed or towed if you park outside the authorized parking spots. Learn more on the official page for Kiawah Beachwalker Park on the Charleston County Parks website.

Need more reasons to make the trek all the way out to Kiawah? This public beach was ranked one of the ten best beaches in the country, which would naturally make it the best beach in South Carolina!

Kiawah Island developer files suit against town, homeowners following opposition

KIAWAH ISLAND, S.C. (WCSC) - Opposition to proposed development and development already in the works on Kiawah Island has prompted the developer, Kiawah Resort Associates, to file not one, but two lawsuits.One lawsuit is solely against the Town of Kiawah Island, but the second lawsuit is against the town, property owners and the Homeowners Association.The first suit involves a condominium complex development already being built, The Cape.It claims that following the town’s approval of the site plans and parking req...

KIAWAH ISLAND, S.C. (WCSC) - Opposition to proposed development and development already in the works on Kiawah Island has prompted the developer, Kiawah Resort Associates, to file not one, but two lawsuits.

One lawsuit is solely against the Town of Kiawah Island, but the second lawsuit is against the town, property owners and the Homeowners Association.

The first suit involves a condominium complex development already being built, The Cape.

It claims that following the town’s approval of the site plans and parking requirements back in 2020, in January of this year, the town changed its position to require all parking in a different location from what was originally decided. The developers say that’s impossible at this point in the process.

The second suit concerns two proposed developments along Beachwalker Drive, that residents have expressed concerns about to the town. Residents believe the projects violate the provisions of the island-wide general covenants.

“Even someone back in high school probably read the Bill of Rights and knows that part of the first amendment is the inherent right to petition the government for redress of grievances,” PreserveKiawah Chair Larry Rutkowski said.

The lawsuit seeks a ruling from a judge saying the opposite and seeks damages for “the intentional actions of these Homeowners Associations for attempting to keep these projects from proceeding.”

Rutkowski said this action from the developer completely rubs him the wrong way.

“Effectively they are seeking a declaratory judgment that what they did is okay, and they should be allowed to proceed, but most people on the island think that hasn’t been the case, there is clearly inadequate parking,” Rutkowski said. “This trampling of citizen rights because they had the nerve to actually point out what they perceived to be a failing in the development plans is just intolerable to me and a strange way to build a relationship with your neighbors.”

Kiawah Resort Associates said in a statement, We have attempted to work with the town and the associations on many occasions to resolve this situation and have offered a myriad of practical solutions to address this. Kiawah Resort Associates regrets having to take legal action but at this stage, we were forced to do so. We are being deprived of our valuable property rights, largely due to politics and a desire by some to prevent us from proceeding with our development entitlements. Because the town and associations refuse to change their positions, we seek the decisions of an independent, unbiased court as to whether we have been treated fairly in accordance with the law or not.

When asked about the lawsuits, Kiawah Island Mayor Bradley Belt provided the following statement:

I don’t have any comment regarding the pending litigation, other than to note that the town continues to pursue the appropriate process to mediate this issue with the applicant.

For more background on this story, click here.

Copyright 2024 WCSC. All rights reserved.

The Difference Between Kiawah Island And Kiawah River

Given that they share a name and are positioned within just a few miles of each other, it’s little wonder why people may confuse the beach resort of Kiawah Island with Kiawah River, the waterfront Johns Island neighborhood in which our ...

Given that they share a name and are positioned within just a few miles of each other, it’s little wonder why people may confuse the beach resort of Kiawah Island with Kiawah River, the waterfront Johns Island neighborhood in which our 2024 Southern Living Idea House is located. While each community has its singular charms, there’s no denying that you’re in for beautiful scenery and a little R&R, whichever your destination. Read on for the difference between Kiawah Island and Kiawah River.

What Is Kiawah Island?

Named for the Kiawah Indians who first called the barrier island home, Kiawah Island has been a celebrated destination for sun-and-sand seekers since the resort first opened in the 1970s. Today, Kiawah Island Golf Resort touts five public world-class golf courses; a luxury hotel, The Sanctuary; 10 miles of pristine beaches that unfurl along the Atlantic; and a wildlife population that includes sea turtles, bobcats, shorebirds, and deer, among others. Thirty miles of paved bike paths meander across the island, winding through maritime forest and past lagoons that reinforce this area’s wild sense of wonder.

While much of the island (and many of its amenities) are accessible only to those staying at The Sanctuary or in one of the resort’s rental properties, there is one public beach access on the west end; Beachwalker Park features wide, unspoiled sandy shoreline along the Atlantic, as well as views of the Kiawah River.

The Best Islands In South Carolina, According To Our Readers

What Is Kiawah River?

Just a few miles down the road from Kiawah Island is the newly developed Kiawah River community on Johns Island. Comprising 20 miles of shoreline and 2,000 acres, this neighborhood has been planned with the area’s natural riches (like maritime forest and salt marsh) and long-standing agricultural history in mind. “It’s a beautiful, pretty much one-of-a-kind place,” says Jeff Snyder, the neighborhood’s Chief Environmental Officer. “There are maybe only two or three places like this left.” From some 500 acres of saltwater brackish ponds to the working farm (which is home to produce, wildflowers, goats, cattle, and bees), much of the property is designated to remain green space. It’s a commitment celebrated by the residents who have chosen to make the place home, many of whom participate in Kiawah River’s environment- and sustainability-focused efforts, which range from bluebird population tracking to composting.

Beyond the homes built there, including our own 2024 Idea House, Kiawah River is also welcoming those who want to experience the lifestyle without a residential commitment. A boutique resort designed by Amanda Lindroth, The Dunlin, is set to open in September; and Rosebank Farms Market is open daily, peddling fresh produce from folks who have farmed this land for decades, as well as a selection of locally made goods.

A Modernist-Style Kiawah Island Home in Photos

Located on South Carolina’s coveted Kiawah Island, this three-bedroom, marsh-facing modern home incorporates nature at every turn. Modified on July 19, 2024 , Published on July 18, 2024...

Located on South Carolina’s coveted Kiawah Island, this three-bedroom, marsh-facing modern home incorporates nature at every turn.

Modified on July 19, 2024 , Published on July 18, 2024

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You’ll Find One Of The Top Ten Beaches In The US at Kiawah Beachwalker Park

Have you heard of the Kiawah Beachwalker Park? This park is one of the nation’s top ten-rated beaches, and it’s just a few hours away from Charleston, SC. Find out why the Kidding Around team enjoys this beach so that you can plan out the perfect beach trip.If you are planning on taking a trip to the coast soon, we have a huge Guide to Charleston, SC with tips for things to do, places to stay, and adve...

Have you heard of the Kiawah Beachwalker Park? This park is one of the nation’s top ten-rated beaches, and it’s just a few hours away from Charleston, SC. Find out why the Kidding Around team enjoys this beach so that you can plan out the perfect beach trip.

If you are planning on taking a trip to the coast soon, we have a huge Guide to Charleston, SC with tips for things to do, places to stay, and adventures to enjoy!

Kiawah Beachwalker Park: Making the Top Beach List

A lot goes into deciding what beaches get bestowed with being named to one of Stephen Leatherman’s beach lists. Stephen, AKA Dr. Beach isn’t just some permanent beach bum. He is a doctor of coastal science and knows what makes a great beach.

Kiawah Beachwalker Park is #5 on the Dr. Beach Top Ten List in 2024

One of the first years he created the list the beach local to me in Florida was named number one in the entire country! Siesta Beach is Sarasota county has made the top lists of beaches in the world, too. I was intrigued to see a South Carolina beach on the list. Siesta Beach has sand that looks like talcum powder, and usually, the Gulf of Mexico is a beautiful shade of turquoise. Would this beach in South Carolina be similar?

Planning a Trip To Kiawah Island

At a little under four hours from the Upstate, I don’t think Kiawah Island is suitable for a day trip. Grabbing a hotel for the night is the best way for you to enjoy a day at this exceptional beach.

The Andell Inn on Kiawah Island is a Marriott boutique hotel. The hotel has all the amenities you’d expect from a Marriott property, plus they provide a free shuttle to Kiawah Beachwalker Park.

The island isn’t very commercialized, so you’ll need to grab any picnic provisions or beach snacks before you leave the Charleston area. They do have a picnic area with grills, but they are first come first serve, so keep that in mind when packing your lunch. There is a convenience store a few blocks away from the beach to grab ice and anything you may have forgotten.

Make sure you stop at Five Below or another discount retailer and grab the kids some boogie boards! I had the idea to grab them and didn’t realize that they were the cool thing to have at the beach. Every kid there had one, and at just $5, it was the best decision ever.

Spending The Day at Kiawah Beachwalker Park

If you don’t already own a beach-style wagon or a rolling cooler, I suggest you look into getting them. The walk from the parking lot to the shore includes a trek down a long boardwalk. I have never regretted leaving my rolling cooler at home more than on that boardwalk.

Once you arrive at the park, you will need to pay for parking. During the summer months, an attendant is on duty to take payments. On weekdays in the summer, the cost is $15 and weekends it is $20. The parking fee is slightly less after Labor Day and before Memorial Day. Should the park be at capacity, you can leave your name and number, head to the open-air market Freshfields Village and they will notify you when you can head back.

Even when the parking lot is at capacity, there is plenty of space on the beach. You can rent a beach chair and umbrellas at the beach or bring your own. One of the wonderful things about Kiawah Beachwalker Park is that, unlike other South Carolina beaches, there are no restrictions here on tents and sunshades. You can set up camp for the day and have your family protected from the sun while they enjoy the beach!

There must be a pod of Bottlenose dolphins that love this beach just as much as the humans. They are a famous sight in the water there, just take note that getting too close or harassing them is illegal.

After A Long Day At Kiawah Beachwalker Park

Once it’s time to head home, you can clean up all the gear and the kids at the top end of the boardwalk. There are changing rooms and showers available. I’m going to warn you after a long day in the sun; the fresh cold water feels SO GOOD coming out of that shower. My kids just stood there staring at me, while I enjoyed it for way too long.

Before I had left, I was already planning a return trip. Due to the calmer, family-friendly nature of this beach and the non-commercialization of the island, the beach here is quite enjoyable.

Have you been to Kiawah Beachwalker Park? What did you think?


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