Car Accident Attorney inDuncan, SC

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Cobb Hammett, LLC Fighting
for Your Rights in Duncan, SC

When an accident comes without warning, even the most prepared person can fall victim. One moment, you're walking to a restaurant after a long day of work. The next moment, someone else's negligence and carelessness change your life forever. Personal injury victims aren't just the victims of negligence they suffer from pain, concern over family and ability to work. Often, these victims do not have the luxury of worrying about work and family, because they're clinging to life in an ER. Without a personal injury attorney in Duncan, SC, by their side, they mistakenly provide official statements to insurance agencies and accept settlement offers that only account for a fraction of what they have lost.

If you have recently been hurt in an accident, you may be asking questions like:

  • "What happens now?"
  • "How will I pay for my hospital bills?"
  • "Will I get fired from my job?"
  • "Will I be able to function independently ever again?"

With more than 100,000 car accidents in South Carolina every year, we hear these questions every day. Our hearts hurt for those who are suffering due to no fault of their own. Accident victims are not only left with questions like those above; they're also forced to deal with costs associated with medical bills, car repair, follow-up appointments, and loss of income.

While reading these facts can be bleak, there is a silver lining. South Carolina law dictates that those who are found responsible for your pain and suffering may be obligated to pay for your expenses. Cobb Hammett, LLC exists for that exact reason to make sure that negligent parties are held accountable. We fight on your behalf to make sure you get the compensation you deserve. We aren't afraid to go toe-to-toe with greedy insurance agencies who do not have your best interests at heart.

Our overarching goal is to protect your rights, and our law firm is uniquely positioned to do so, with attorney Michael Dill's vast experience in the auto insurance industry.

Personal Injury Attorney Duncan, SC
Service Areas

We offer comprehensive vehicle representation for a number of different automobile accidents, including:

  • Distracted Driving
  • Drunk Driving
  • Rollovers
  • Multi-Vehicle Accidents
  • Automobile Defects
  • Roadway Defects
  • Speeding
  • Reckless Driving
  • Uninsured Motorists or
    Underinsured Drivers
  • Rear-End Collisions
  • Car Rental Accidents
  • RV Accidents

If you know you have been involved in one of the car accidents above, the time to seek experienced representation is now. Generally, car accident victims have three years from the date of their injuries to file a personal injury claim in Duncan. That time frame can be reduced in certain circumstances. When a wrongful death is involved, surviving family members must take action in a similar time frame.

The bottom line is that speed is of the essence in these cases. When we sit down with you to learn more about your accident, we will help you understand South Carolina law so that you are fully informed before taking legal action. The sooner we can dig into the details of your case, the sooner we can fight for your rights.

We Recover Compensation
When You Need It Most

The law states that personal injury victims are entitled to compensation for the full extent of their injuries. Why? Because the primary goal of injury compensation in Duncan, SC, is to help the victim return to the state they would have been in, if the accident never occurred. In the literal sense, doing so isn't possible. The law cannot reverse the incredible suffering and pain that accompanies a severe injury. As such, personal injury victims are entitled to receive a financial reward that equals those damages.

How much compensation you get depends on the facts and nuances of your case. With that said, you may be able to recover compensation for the following needs:

  • Rehab-Related Expenses like
    Physical Therapy
  • All Medical Expenses
  • Pain and Suffering
  • Long-Term Disability
  • Lost Wages and Loss of
    Future Income Earning Ability
  • Disfigurement
  • Emotional Distress
  • Mental Anguish

If you or someone you love was recently injured in a car wreck, contact our office today to speak with a personal injury lawyer in Duncan, SC. The sooner you call, the sooner we can begin fighting for your rights and the compensation you need.

 Personal Injury Lawyer Duncan, SC The-Cobb-Dill-Hammett-Difference

What Our Clients Say

The Role of Negligence in Your
Duncan Personal Injury Case

If there were one common truth that we can count on, it's that life is unpredictable. Sometimes, accidents just happen. However, when recklessness and negligence come into play in situations where accidents cause personal injuries, the negligent party can be held responsible under South Carolina law. For victims to have a chance at compensation, the party responsible for the accident must be proven to be negligent. When a party or parties are negligent, they fail to take appropriate care when performing an action, like driving an automobile.

 Car Accident Attorney Duncan, SC
At Cobb Hammett, LLC, our team works to prove negligence
for our clients by proving:
  • The defendant had an obligation to look out for your safety.
  • The defendant did not uphold that duty.
  • There was causation between the defendant's breach of duty and the injuries you sustained.
  • You suffered real damages.

After an accident occurs, it is critical to take certain steps to help prove the responsible party's negligence and maximize the compensation you rightly deserve.

Steps to Maximize Compensation
After an Accident in Duncan, SC

All too often, car wreck victims don't get the compensation they need because they failed to take the proper steps after their accident. Don't let this be you. By having comprehensive records of your car accident and its aftermath, you have a much better chance of protecting your rights and maximizing compensation for your bills and injuries. If you have been injured in an automobile accident in Duncan, follow these steps before doing anything else:


Go to a Doctor

First and foremost, seek medical attention for any injuries that you have sustained. You might not realize it now, but your injuries may be more complex and serious than you think. Damage like head trauma and back injuries are not easy to diagnose on your own and sometimes take time to surface. A full medical examination will help reveal the extent of your injuries, lead to a quicker recovery, and help document the injuries you sustained. This last part is essential to prove the significance of your injuries.

 Law Firm Duncan, SC

File an
Accident Report

The second step you should take is to report your injuries to the correct authorities. The authorities change depending on the circumstances of your accident. If you were involved in a car wreck in Duncan, you should file your report with the highway authorities and any associated insurance agencies. Regardless of where you were injured and how the wreck occurred, the biggest takeaway here is to file a report. That way, you have an established, official record of the incident that can be referred to down the line.

Personal Injury Attorney Duncan, SC

Preserve Evidence
if Possible

Personal injury cases in Duncan are won with evidence. It might sound like the job of the police, but it's important that you try to secure any evidence that you can collect relating to your accident, especially if you are injured. Evidence in auto accident cases tends to disappear quickly. By preserving evidence soon after the accident, it can be used in court. For example, if you cannot get a witness statement immediately after your wreck, their testimony may come across as less reliable. Completing this task on your own can be quite difficult, especially after a serious accident. That's why it's so crucial to complete the last step below.

 Personal Injury Lawyer Duncan, SC

Contact a Lawyer

One of the most intelligent, important steps you can take after a car accident is calling a personal injury attorney in Duncan, SC. At Cobb Hammett, LLC, we will assist you with every step of your personal injury case to ensure that your rights are protected. That includes gathering all types of evidence relevant to your case. When we investigate your accident, we will determine the person who is liable for your losses. If there are multiple liable parties, we will hold each one accountable for their negligence.

Every personal injury case is different, which is why experience counts when it comes to car accident compensation. Our track record speaks for itself, but no number of past results will guarantee a perfect outcome. What we can guarantee, however, is our undivided attention and fierce dedication to your case, no matter the circumstances. Unlike other personal injury law firms in Duncan, you can have peace of mind knowing your best interests always come first at Cobb Hammett, LLC.

 Car Accident Attorney Duncan, SC

Common Car Accidents in
Duncan, SC

At Cobb Hammett, LLC, we have years of experience handling some of Duncan's most complicated car accident cases. Some of the most common cases that come across our desks include:

Drunk Driving Accidents

Drunk driving is a major problem in the Lowcountry. Drunk drivers are incredibly irresponsible and regularly cause fatal accidents because they drive physically and mentally impaired by alcohol. Drunk drivers have slower reaction times, delayed reflexes, and impaired vision, making them unfit to operate a motor vehicle. In auto wrecks, drunk drivers often come away with minor injuries compared to their victims, which is a bitter pill to swallow

Individuals who make a choice to drive drunk cause accidents by weaving in and out of traffic, going over the speed limit, failing to see pedestrians, and ignoring traffic laws. They may run cars off the road, rear-end vehicles, hit them head-on, or even cause a vehicle to roll over.

Drunk driving accidents in Duncan care result in horrible injuries, such as:

  • Burns
  • Broken Bones
  • Head Injuries
  • Brain Trauma
  • Spinal Cord Injuries
  • Soft Tissue Injuries
  • Mental Anguish

If you are injured or have lost a family member due to an impaired or drunk driver, our team of personal injury lawyers in Duncan can help. We have extensive experience with car accident cases and can explain your rights in simple, plain terms. It is important to know that you can file a personal injury suit regardless of the criminal case outcome against the drunk driver.

 Law Firm Duncan, SC

Rental and RV Accidents

When accidents happen in RVs or rental cars, people are often unsure of their rights. This confusion is understandable since there are additional insurance and legal issues that must be accounted for in these cases.

Fortunately, the lawyers at Cobb Hammett, LLC, have the experience to help you with complex car accident and RV cases. Attorney Michael Dill worked in the auto insurance industry before becoming an attorney. He also has an undergraduate degree that includes a focus on risk management and insurance. When it comes to rental and RV accidents, we review each client's case with a fine-tooth comb. Once we understand your accident, our team will explain your rights and options in easy-to-understand terms.

If you were involved in an accident while driving an RV or a rental vehicle, you may find that your auto insurance company, the rental car's insurance company, and the other party's insurance carrier will try to deny your claim. Situations like these call for a bold, experienced personal injury attorney in Duncan, SC, who isn't afraid of large corporations and insurance groups. We have extensive experience with insurance companies and know how to interpret policies. As your advocate, we will ensure that you receive the coverage and compensation you are entitled to, even if an insurance company says you aren't.

We can help you seek compensation in cases that involve:

  • Injuries from Boating Ac
  • Rental Cars Injuries
  • RV Accidents
  • Jet Ski Injuries
  • Golf Cart Injuries
  • Rental cars
  • Boat accidents
  • ATV Accidents

Victims of RV and rental car accidents (as well as their families) may be entitled to compensation for pain and suffering, medical expenses, and lost income or benefits. Our personal injury lawyers work with life-care planners, medical experts, and economists to determine the amount of compensation you will need.

Personal Injury Attorney Duncan, SC

Texting While Driving and
Distracted Driving Accidents

We live in a time where just about everyone has their eyes glued to their phones. Often, this happens in situations where the person needs to be paying attention, like when they're driving an automobile. Taking a few moments to glance down at your phone can cause irreparable damage to other drivers. That is why texting while driving is illegal in Duncan. Typically, this crime is met with a minor traffic violation. However, when a distracted driver injures another motorist, you can seek compensation through a legal suit. If you have been injured in such a situation, our team can help you hold the negligent driver accountable for your losses and damages.

Texting takes drivers' minds and eyes off the road and their hands off the wheel. Because they are not paying attention to their driving,

They miss crucial road signs and information such as:

  • Changes in the Flow
    of Traffic
  • Traffic Lights
  • Traffic Signs
  • Work Zones
  • Bicyclists
  • Lane Changes
  • Incapacitate Cars and

At Cobb Hammett, LLC, we represent injury victims in Duncan who are involved in all types of car accidents, including distracted driving. We work with vigor to recover the full amount of compensation you and your family will need to recover. You can rely on our attorneys for dedicated, representation throughout your case. Unlike some distracted driving lawyers in Duncan, we will assist you with all aspects of your accident, including access to good medical care if needed.

 Personal Injury Lawyer Duncan, SC

Unflinching Legal Advocacy. Compassionate Care

At Cobb Hammett, LLC, we are proud of our commitment to our clients. We pledge to provide them with the highest quality legal representation in Duncan and treat them with respect, empathy, and compassion. If you are suffering from the results of a dangerous car accident, know we are here to assist.

We will help you seek compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and additional losses. Surviving family members may also recover funeral expenses and compensation for the personal loss of a loved one, including the deceased's future income and benefits. When you or your family's health and financial security are on the line, trust the best choose Cobb Hammett, LLC.


Latest News in Duncan, SC

Suspect admits to being “high on coke,” complained of pain after Oct. 21 pursuit

CHARLESTON COUNTY, S.C. (WCBD) – The Charleston County Sheriff’s Office (CCSO) released Tuesday new dash camera video from an Oct. 21 pursuit involving Rashard Duncan in the Hollywood-Ravenel area.The video shows the suspect reaching high speeds and even driving on the wrong side of the highway, eventually ending in a mobile home community where a foot chase ensued.After Duncan’s arrest and apparent assault by another deputy, the dash camera video – which comes from Charleston County Deputy Alexander Hod...

CHARLESTON COUNTY, S.C. (WCBD) – The Charleston County Sheriff’s Office (CCSO) released Tuesday new dash camera video from an Oct. 21 pursuit involving Rashard Duncan in the Hollywood-Ravenel area.

The video shows the suspect reaching high speeds and even driving on the wrong side of the highway, eventually ending in a mobile home community where a foot chase ensued.

After Duncan’s arrest and apparent assault by another deputy, the dash camera video – which comes from Charleston County Deputy Alexander Hodge’s patrol vehicle – picked up a conversation with the suspect, believed to be Duncan, while being detained and awaiting EMS to be checked out.

The suspect can be heard admitting to being high after “having some coke” and stating that he wanted to see how fast his rental could go.

He also complained of pain on the side of his face. Duncan was punched several times with a closed fist by another Charleston County deputy – James Carter – following the pursuit.

The deputy is heard asking the suspect about his movements before being assaulted by the deputy. The suspect replied saying he was just pulling up his pants and was not reaching for a gun at the time.

Video released on Monday shows Duncan with his pants slightly down at points during the assault and arrest.

Charleston County Sheriff Kristin Graziano said she believes it is important for the public to see the events that led to the encounter between Deputy Carter and Duncan after releasing the second video.

“Our deputies face uncertain circumstances daily in their efforts to keep the community safe. I am thankful for their commitment, and we are fortunate no one was injured during the course of this incident,” she said.

Attorneys representing Deputy James Carter said the suspect reached speeds of over 100 mph during the chase and discarded items from the window while traveling on Highway 17.

Duncan was charged at the time with resisting arrest, failure to stop for blue lights, reckless driving, and various drug charges.

The sheriff’s office said it found no policy violation against Deputy Hodge during an internal review of the pursuit.

Carter was terminated from the sheriff’s office and later charged by the State Law Enforcement Divison with misconduct in office and third-degree assault and battery. He was released the same day.

President of company AFL, based in South Carolina, has been suspended

DUNCAN, S.C. —The president of AFL, a company based in Spartanburg County, South Carolina, has been suspended.Jody Gallagher was the president and CEO of AFL, a company based in Duncan.The company told WYFF News 4 in an email that Gallagher was suspended pending an internal investigation.The email said Jaxon Lang had been named acting CEO."No other comments are available at this time," the email from AFL said....


The president of AFL, a company based in Spartanburg County, South Carolina, has been suspended.

Jody Gallagher was the president and CEO of AFL, a company based in Duncan.

The company told WYFF News 4 in an email that Gallagher was suspended pending an internal investigation.

The email said Jaxon Lang had been named acting CEO.

"No other comments are available at this time," the email from AFL said.

The AFL website says Gallagher has served as President and CEO of AFL since 2003.

The website says the company is "an international manufacturer providing end-to-end solutions to the energy, service provider, enterprise, hyperscale and industrial markets."

The website says the company has 7,000 employees worldwide.

According to the company website, Gallagher has been a member of the board of directors for AFL’s parent company, Fujikura, headquartered in Tokyo.

The website says, "Headquartered in Spartanburg, SC, AFL has operations in the U.S., Mexico, Canada, Europe, Asia and Australia, and is a wholly owned subsidiary of Fujikura Ltd. of Japan."

A news release from Fujikura posted on May 26, 2023, said there was an investigation related to "an improper real estate acquisition at a U.S. Subsidiary," after a whistleblowing complaint on May 3, 2023.

The release said in part:

"Based on a whistleblowing complaint made on March 3, 2023, we were made aware of suspicious activities regarding the personal misappropriation of real property owned by one of our US subsidiaries by a director of the Company, who is the CEO of such subsidiary, and launched an internal investigation immediately thereafter. Our investigation is still continuing at this moment, however, to date, it has uncovered that an improper acquisition was made with respect to land purchased in 2020 and a building built in 2022 by such subsidiary (the total value of such land and building at the time of acquisition amounts to approximately 6.5 million US dollars (equivalent to 847 million Japanese yen)). Further, our investigation to date has uncovered that the said officer disguised the purpose for acquiring the land and building to make such subsidiary acquire such property and that said officer used such property for a certain period for its personal purpose. The said officer has been suspended from the US subsidiary and the Company."

The company has not said whether this investigation lead to Gallagher being suspended.

Duncan Park Lake reopens for non-motorized boating and fishing after decades

SPARTANBURG, S.C. (FOX Carolina) -Dust off your kayaks and head to Duncan Park Lake, as the 14-acre lake reopens for non-motorized boating and catch-and-release fishing after being untouched for decades.“This brand new dock—it’s like, oh, it’s just a dock, what’s the big deal? It’s a huge deal,” said Sophi Schwartzbauer, communications manager for Play Advocate Live Well (PAL). “We see the potential to bring the community out together for active recreation on the lake.”The c...

SPARTANBURG, S.C. (FOX Carolina) -Dust off your kayaks and head to Duncan Park Lake, as the 14-acre lake reopens for non-motorized boating and catch-and-release fishing after being untouched for decades.

“This brand new dock—it’s like, oh, it’s just a dock, what’s the big deal? It’s a huge deal,” said Sophi Schwartzbauer, communications manager for Play Advocate Live Well (PAL). “We see the potential to bring the community out together for active recreation on the lake.”

The city banned these activities for roughly 50 years due to neighborhood concerns that, according to Spartanburg Communications Manager Christopher George, are no longer relevant.

“It was a really long time ago, and there were neighborhood concerns back then about people fishing and using the lake that aren’t really relevant anymore,” George said. “Folks in the area now are way more excited about it than they used to be. It’s been one of the biggest requests we’ve had for a long time.”

The reopening aims to help visitors beat the summer heat.

“We have noticed a lot of excitement around the project. Being only three minutes from downtown, I can imagine it’s going to bring a lot of folks in,” Schwartzbauer said.

For those without a kayak, the new Share Kayak app allows users to rent kayaks by scanning a QR code. Rentals are available in hour increments, making it convenient for park visitors to enjoy the lake without having to lug their own equipment.

“You can rent it in hour increments and just bring it back whenever you like. It’s super simple—the kayak is right beside the dock, so you don’t have to lug it a long way. In theory, you can kayak all day,” Schwartzbauer said.

The park also provides life jackets, but visitors are cautioned to stay out of the water.

“Of course, we ask that no one go swimming in the lake. Non-motorized boating is great, but stay out of the water. You can fish from your boat and off the side of the lake, but we are asking you to stay out of the water,” Schwartzbauer added.

Copyright 2024 WHNS. All rights reserved.

One Spartanburg county community honors beloved gardener with “Yard of the Month” awards

DUNCAN, S.C. (FOX Carolina) -In a heartwarming tribute to a cherished member of the community, Duncan is launching its inaugural “Yard of the Month” award.Celebrating the beauty of local landscapes in memory of a beloved gardener, Lisa Foster. Foster’s passion for gardening and her vibrant personality left an enduring impact on those around her, inspiring friends and neighbors to cultivate their own green spaces.“Lisa was good friends with my aunt and growing up Lisa and my aunt were always either in Lia...

DUNCAN, S.C. (FOX Carolina) -In a heartwarming tribute to a cherished member of the community, Duncan is launching its inaugural “Yard of the Month” award.

Celebrating the beauty of local landscapes in memory of a beloved gardener, Lisa Foster. Foster’s passion for gardening and her vibrant personality left an enduring impact on those around her, inspiring friends and neighbors to cultivate their own green spaces.

“Lisa was good friends with my aunt and growing up Lisa and my aunt were always either in Lias’s yard or my aunts yard working on flowers and as a little girl I got to do that with them,” Alicia Fulghum said.

Fulghum, a close friend of Lisa, reminisces about their shared love for gardening, recalling fond memories of working alongside Lisa and her aunt in their yards. Alicia treasures the gardening wisdom passed down by Foster.

“One thing Lisa and my aunt did teach me when planting a pot: you want a thriller, a filler and a spiller to go in your pot. So you want something that grows tall, that will stand out and you want something to fill out your empty spaces,” Fulghum said.

Lisa’s frequent visits to Ridge and Company, a favorite flower nursery, showed her dedication to nurturing her garden.

“She had a lot of friends, there was a community group of them and they would go flower shopping all over. They actually would come here to shop,” Fulghum said.

Lisa’s vibrant personality reflected in her garden, which showcased bold colors and diverse flora. Her dedication to beautifying her surroundings served as an inspiration to many.

“Her passing was a great loss but I think with Yard of the month and honoring her I think that will help it move forward in a positive way,” Fulghum said.

The “Yard of the Month” competition, initiated by Foster, aims to highlight yards and gardens that exemplify creativity, care, and dedication.

“Lisa, she has a beautiful garden every year. She should’ve been recognized before now. But then she became ill so we were not able to do it while she was still with us but we did it afterwards,” Mayor Shirley Clopton said.

However, the city is proud to honor her ensuring her legacy lives on through the competition.

“Yard of the month is not just about who has the best lawn or grass. There’s more to really have to put some love into it and some thought,” Fulghum said.

For those who win “Yard of the Month” they will receive a $50 gift Gard from Ridge & Company Lumber & Building Supplies on Duncan Reidville rd.

Copyright 2024 WHNS. All rights reserved.

Tyger River Park Has One of the Biggest Playgrounds Around: Spartanburg, SC

Have you visited Tyger River Park in Spartanburg County? This giant park is home to ball fields, a huge playground, a splash pad, and more. Read on to hear everything parents need to know about Tyger River Park.You definitely want to make the time to check out Tyger River Park operated by Spartanburg County Parks. It is located at 179 Dillard Road in Duncan, South Carolina. Don&r...

Have you visited Tyger River Park in Spartanburg County? This giant park is home to ball fields, a huge playground, a splash pad, and more. Read on to hear everything parents need to know about Tyger River Park.

You definitely want to make the time to check out Tyger River Park operated by Spartanburg County Parks. It is located at 179 Dillard Road in Duncan, South Carolina. Don’t let appearances deceive you- there is more to this park than perfectly kept baseball fields. It’s a playground experience for all ages, especially with the brand-new renovation of 2023.

Looking for more great parks in Spartanburg, don’t miss our guide to Great Parks in Spartanburg County.

Spartanburg’s Tyger River Park is For All Ages

When you first enter the gates to Tyger River Park, you won’t be able to see the playground areas from the road that encircles the enclosure. Look for the tall tower in the center of the grounds. The brand-new playgrounds and giant sandbox are located on either side of it. Follow the signs to the Clubhouse and park there. From the parking lot, it’s a short walk to the play areas. You can get a sense of the park’s scale and use this handy park map to help plan your day.

Play Equipment for All Ages at Tyger River Park

There is truly play equipment for all ages.

The first playground is geared for younger children, toddlers to preschool age. There are slides, swings, play horses, and even a cute little house to stoke the imagination. This playground is within sight of the giant sandbox, too. Kids can bring their own sand toys or just play around in Duncan’s version of “the beach.”

The location is perfect for smaller children to independently play between the sandbox and the playground, and benches are provided for adult supervision if you are lucky enough to get a chance to sit down. The new playground includes shaded benches for parents as well.

The second playground is much bigger and caters to children ages 5-12. The many slides available are taller and faster than the smaller playground and climbing features are more challenging. There are also swings in this area.

The new playground has five benches with shade and is covered in astroturf.

Splash Pad at Tyger River Park

The splash pad is open 9 am to 8 pm between Memorial Day to Labor Day but they are opening early in 2024 on May 1st! Located just past the playground area (opposite the direction of the Clubhouse), kids can easily go from the playground to the splash pad to cool off and back to the playground. Double bonus: the splash pad is fenced in.

Clean bathrooms

The bathrooms for the public are located on the side of the Clubhouse building. They were clean and well-stocked with soap and both paper towels and air dryers. As parents, you can never underestimate the awesomeness of a park restroom that doesn’t make you cringe

A Couple of Considerations for Tyger River Park

The new playground has benches with shade and the shade screen above the sandbox does provide some relief but the playgrounds have no shade. Especially in the hot days of summer, it’s important to bring sunscreen and water. On warmer days, it is definitely best to plan on arriving early in the morning or in the late afternoon/early evening or spend hotter parts of the day at the splash pad.

Tyger River is a big park and the playgrounds are on opposite sides of the tower, which can make it hard to watch kids of different age groups. So plan on negotiating how much time you will spend on which playground or bring a second adult for help with supervision.

With proper planning, Tyger River Park is a must-do for a positive play experience for all ages. And we just love the new play equipment! With so much to do, the kids will be occupied for hours, so don’t forget to pack snacks and water or bring along a lunch to eat at the nearby picnic tables.

Find your new favorite park!

The Kidding Around Guide to Parks in the Upstate


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